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When I woke up it was around midnight and Kian was gone. I bet he just went back to his house.

I knew my brother would be awake this early so I FaceTimed him.

He answered after about two rings.

"Hey is something wrong?" He asked me, knowing in not usually up around this time.

"Not really." I said trying not to cry.

"Does it have to do with Connor? I heard you two broke up." He whispered, I guess trying not to make me cry.

A tear rolled down my face. "Yeah, it's Connor. I broke up with him because he cheated on me." Every time I talk about it I cry. I was now crying pools of tears.

"Kendra, if I were there I would hug you and you know that. I just wish I could be there." He whispered again, now he was starting to cry. "Do you even remember the last time we actually saw each other for a long period of time?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it was about four and a half years ago. When we still lived together. It was my thirteenth birthday, the day before you moved out for college and I couldn't stop crying. You wouldn't let me hug you because you were to 'tough' to let your little sister hug you. Chad, I miss you more than anything."

"I miss you too Kendra. Next break I have from school I'll come visit you, I promise." He hinted at a smile but he was still crying.

"Go to sleep, it's later there than it is here. I'm going to go back to sleep too." I told him.

"Alright," he responded.

As I was about to end the call he said something,"Hey Kendra?"


"I just want you to know that even know we aren't as close as we used to, that if you need anything I'm here for you. I'm still your brother and I still love you. Neither college or distance can change that."

"Thanks Chad. I love you too. Goodnight!" I ended the call and laid back down.


I woke up again and this time it was 11:32. I checked my phone for texts and I had two from Connor.

*Texts with Connor*

Connor: Hey, are you awake? I really need to talk to you.

Connor: Please wake up. I love you, I hope you know that.

Me: I'm up, what do you need?

Connor: Are you still going to go on your with us?

Me: As often as I can without missing to much college, why?

Connor: Start parking then, we're leaving for Colorado tomorrow.

Me: Okay, I can tell that wasn't all you wanted to talk about so, want to come help me pack?

Connor: You know me to well, I'll be over in 5.

*End of texts*

I knew I was making a mistake but I missed him.

I started packing, I just started with makeup and hair products because I always overpack on clothes which make me not have enough room for the beauty stuff.

I heard a knock on the door after I through my straightener in my suitcase.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"It's me!" I heard Connor yell back.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Wow I wonder who 'me' could be."

I opened the door and immediately pressed my lips against his.

"Come on in." I smiled and bit my lip.

"I think you missed me." He teased.

"Not that much, I had some company to help."

"Oh and what's that supposed to mean? I know your company was Kian."

I ignored him and started grabbing clothes.

"How many outfits should I pack?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"Don't change the topic, Kendra. I got bored and started scrolling through your tag on tumblr, I saw the picture of you two kissing." He told me looking down.

"C-Connor, it was nothing. It didn't mean anything." I stammered.

"He has a girlfriend and you know that, they've been together for over a year. You can't just come in and kiss him while he has a girlfriend! You've basically done the same thing to me as I did to you. And he's kissed my ex as I've kissed his . . ." His voice drifted off as he lost himself in his thoughts.

"Connor you don't think he'd . . ."

"Yes I do, and I'm going to ask him about it when I finish helping you pack."

"Well I already finished while we were talking, so can I come with?"

"Sure." He said taking my hand into his. "Grab your board."

I grabbed my penny board and slipped on my white vans and we headed out the door.

We were hand in hand the entire ride home.

I swung open the door with a sucker in my mouth, because I made Connor stop at the bank with me so I could get one. "Where's Kian?" I asked Jc and Sienna who were making lunch for themselves.

"Upstairs editing his video, why?" Jc responded.

I didn't answer him and instead Connor and I stomped up the stairs and stormed into Kian's room.

"Kian, we need to talk." Connor stated.

"What about?" Kian questioned.

"I saw the picture of you and Kendra kissing, I just want to make sure you weren't using her to get back at me for kissing McKenzie."

"Of course it isn't I-" Kian started but I cut him off.

"Don't lie because I'm here. If it is tell the truth because I don't want to be lead on and crushed again. Connor does that enough."

"I'm not lying." Kian said with a straight face, but something about it told me not to believe him.

I turned around and walked back downstairs. Sienna and Jc had made sandwiches and were eating them at the counter.

"Hello love!" I said in a British accent while putting my arm around Sienna. "Fancy seeing you here. Now sweetheart, why haven't you come home? I miss you so dearly."

"Hmm, maybe because I have one if the best boyfriends in the world." She smiled.

"Come home tonight, I miss you. By the way, are you going to Colorado with us too?" I said, stopping the British accent.

"No, I can't. My classes are in person, not online like yours."

"Okay, well we'll hangout when I get back then and if it's alright with Jc, you can stay here again tonight."

Maybe He's The One (An o2l fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now