Kendra's POV

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After all the guys had their turn visiting me the doctor came in.

"Hi Kendra, how are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Uh fine I guess. How am I alive? I swallowed an entire bottle of pills."

"Your friend, Jc I believe he said, told me that he and all those other boys were outside your door and they heard you fall so they let themselves in and when Jc saw you on the floor he made you puke up most of the pills. One of the other boys called 911 and when you got here we pumped your stomach." She smiled as if that were a happy story. "Do you need anything? Water or something to eat maybe?"

"No thanks I'm fine, so when do I get to leave?"

"You may leave tonight, but you're going to need to go to a special home for a little while."

"You mean like one of those hospitals they send you when you have extreme depression? Look I'm not depressed, I've been telling everyone this forever. I'm not depressed, I just don't see the point in life."

"That's depression."

"No it isn't. Depression is when you feel bad about your life and want to die to escape, I'm not depressed, I don't want to escape life. I just don understand the point to it. We're all defined by society, some of us are to nice, some to mean. There is no in between. We go to school for 13 sometimes 14 or 15 years depends on your preschool, and then get out only to work for the rest of your life. If we don't go to school our parents get sent to jail, not us. If we don't work we don't get in trouble, we just starve. Do you see any point? Some day we're all going to be dead, mankind will be dead some day and every little moment will be forgotten. There will be no one left to remember Lady Gaga or Madonna or Justin Bieber, no one will remember Columbus, or even what America is. There won't be anyone or anything. Someday there won't even be an earth so why don't we all just save the hassle of life and stop it now? What's the issue with that?"

"You'll be in the home for two months." She said and wrote down something on a piece of paper. I'm pretty sure she ignored what I just said. I don't mind that, I at least said it.

"Oblivion will come someday, there's no point in fighting it." I told her as she walked out of the room.

She came back a few minutes later with another lady.

"Hi! You must be Kendra." She said fake smiling, she was acting excited but I could tell she was just doing her job.

I nodded.

"My name is Miss Taylor!" She squealed, this fake excitement thing is annoying,"I'm going to act as your mother for the next two months!"

"Wow, another woman just like my mother trying to be my best friend, isn't this just going to be the most fun two months I've ever had." I said sarcastically.

"If you're going to act like that it'll be more fun for me and less for you." She glared at me while keeping her smile.

"Will there be internet?" I asked.

"Of course not, we're trying to help you get away from all the hate you get not put you in it."

"I don't get hate!" I yelled,"I need the internet I have over one million subscribers and they're going to get suspicious if I'm gone for two months!"

"Please lower your voice we are not the only ones in this hospital." Miss Taylor whispered.

"Well I'm the only one here that I give a shit about. Can I at least get one night at home before I go there?" I asked her.

"Fine." She scowled,"One night only, you may go now. I'll be picking you up at your dorm at 10:00am tomorrow, no earlier and no later."

I rolled my eyes and she left the room.

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