Con Da Bon

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Kian looked mad that I was sitting by Connor. I'm not sure why he would be, he's not even talking to me let alone flirting. I kind of know where it's coming from though since he likes me and Connor and I dated. I don't know if I'm going to get back together with him though.

"Connor, do you want to go do something? Like take a walk? I'm dying to get out of this house." I asked him.

"Yeah sure, just let me change." He replied, popping up to go up to his room.

I looked at Kian and mouthed the words 'don't worry' right before Connor came back down.

"I'm ready to go!" He smiled.

I laughed and walked out the door with Connor following me close behind.

Once we were out the door he wrapped his arms around me. "What did you really want?" He asked me.

I turned around and set my arms around his neck. "Exactly what I said, out of that house." I smiled and pressed my lips against his. "Now let's go." I took his hand into mine and we walked to the closest park.

"You, are going to be the death of me." Connor said while pulling me into him for a hug once we got to the park.

I laughed. "No Connor, I'm going to be the reason you're still alive." I gave him a quick kiss.

"Okay, you're going to be the life of me. You little weirdo!" He laughed.

"I love you too Con Da Bon." I kissed him again, this time lasting a little longer.

I saw a cool tree and ran to climb it. Once I got to the top I yelled to Connor,"Come join me, this shall be our fortress!"

"I think I'm going to change it back to you being the death of me." He yelled back before climbing up to join me.

"You look so cute up here." I said to him.

"Do I not when I'm not the ground?" He asked sarcastically.

"No." I responded, trying to keep a straight face but I failed and burst into a fit of laughter instead.

"You're way to cute." Connor smiled and kissed me.

Why am I doing this? I'm still mad at him. He cheated on me after all. I can't continue. I'll just ask him to take back to my dorm.

"Can you just walk me back to my dorm? I need to record and be alone." I told him. It was a lie, but I couldn't just tell him the real reason after all that's happened today.

"Yeah sure." He said giving me a weird look. I climbed down the tree first and he can right after. He walked me to my dorm. The whole walk we were silent. When we got there he turned to me. "Are you okay? You seem like your attitude changed really fast out there."

"No I'm not fine Connor. You cheated on me. I don't know what I was thinking, acting like I forgave you. Yeah I love you, but I can't forget this. I'll see you later." I said and ran inside before he could say anything else.

I got into my dorm and drifted off to sleep.

*Sienna's POV*

When Kendra and Connor left Kian looked kind of jealous but none of the guys noticed.

I just cuddled up into Jc and he tightened his grip around me.

"Want to go do something today? You're living here and so far all you and I have done is sit around this house." He asked me.

"I'd love to do something. What do you have in mind?" I replied.

"How about we go to the mall." He said more as a statement than a question.

"Yeah sure. Can we stop by my dorm so I can change and take a shower?" I asked him.

"Of course. Let's go." He smiled at me before turning to Kian,"Can I use your car?" He asked him.

"Sure, the keys are on the kitchen counter." Kian responded.

Jc grabbed the keys and we hopped into the car. "So what are you planning on getting there?" He questioned me as he turned on the car.

"I don't know. Probably a few new outfits and a new phone case." I replied.

When we got halfway to the dorm I saw Connor walking alone and I think he was crying.

"Stop the car." I told Jc and he did. I jumped out of the car and ran over to Connor.

"Connor what happened?" I asked him worriedly.

"I'm not even that sure of it myself. One minute Kendra and I were laughing and kissing at the park and the next she got all sad and told me to walk her back to the dorm. I think it's still because she thinks I cheated on her. I didn't though. I love her and I would never hurt her. I love her . . ." He cried. Tears were just pouring out of his eyes.

"Connor get in. I don't want you to walk home alone, especially not like this." I told him.

"No it's fine. I'll walk." He started walking away before I grabbed his wrist.

"Connor. I can't just let you drown in your tears alone. You're my friend and I'm here for you. Get in the car." I stated and he obeyed without another argument.

I told Jc to take Connor back to the house before we went to my dorm so if Connor was right about the reason she got so sad all of a sudden that it wouldn't make her feel worse.

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