Connor's POV

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I knocked on Kendra's dorm room door. She hasn't been responding to anyone's texts and I haven't seen her update any of her social medias. I have all the guys with me and Sienna went to the store for us so she didn't come. I heard a crash and it didn't sound good. I tried the handle and luckily it was unlocked, I ran inside. I felt like I was running so slow, I couldn't hear anything the guys were saying I was just trying to find Kendra.

Jc pulled me out of my daze when I heard him tell me to call 911. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and called.

"Nine-one-one what's your emergency?" The other line asked. That's a good question, what is the emergency?

"Wait Jc what happened?" I asked nervous. I didn't look at her because I was scared.

"She overdosed on her anti-depressants." He responded and I started bawling.

"My best friend . . . She overdosed on pills." I sobbed out.

"Alright what's your address?" They answered.

I couldn't respond so I handed the phone to Ricky and he told them. I collapsed on the floor next to Kendra.

"She left a note you know." Jc said.

"Try making her puke up the pills." Ricky yelled,"I know it's gross but like stick your fingers down her throat and make her puke."

"I'll do it." Jc said,"Read the note."

I looked at the note and decided to bring it to Kian to read with me because he was a wreck too. He was sitting on her bed and I gave him the note. He read it out loud to us.

"Even when she's about to die she writes trying to sound smart. That is so her." Trevor said, sitting down next to me. Sam sat on the side of Kian I wasn't on.

I heard the sirens and the shuffling of the people coming up the stairs.

The doctor people things put her on a stretcher and someone came to talk to us. All of us were sitting on her bed now.

"We can only bring one of you." He told us.

"You go." Kian said nudging at my shoulder.

"Are . . . Are you sure you don't want to? You love her too." I asked him.

"Yeah. Go, I know for a fact you love her more."

I mouthed a thank you to him and went with the man. I got in the back of the ambulance with the people frantically trying to bring her back to life. Jc had gotten Kendra to puke up most of the pills but the ones remaining were still causing harm.

I'm so nervous that they won't get her back. I sat down on a bench thing they have in the back of the ambulance to calm myself. I hadn't stopped crying and I couldn't stop. I don't know if I'm going to last.

"We're going to have to pump her stomach, hurry let's get her inside!" I heard one of the doctors say as the doors flung open.

I went with them inside until another doctor stopped me. "I'm sorry but unless you're family this is all the farther you can go." She told me.

I looked down and I started crying harder. "Where can I go?" I asked her.

"There's a waiting room down that hall," She said and pointed to her right,"You can wait there and we'll tell you if anything happens."

I nodded and headed down me hallway to the waiting room. As soon as I got there I got a call from Ricky and I answered immediately.

*Phone call with Ricky*

Me: Hello?

Ricky: Hey we followed the ambulance but while we were parking we lost what entrance you went into.

Me: We went in the emergency room entrance, I'll come to the door and walk you to the waiting room with me.

Ricky: Okay.

*End of phone call*

I walked to the door I came in and the guys were already there.

"How you holding up?" Jc asked me, I could hear him holding back tears and I was too.

"Not to well, how 'bout you guys?" I asked in response.

"The same." Same replied.


We were sitting in the waiting room forever it felt like, I didn't actually keep time though. Finally a doctor came back.

"Good news boys, we pumped her stomach and she's alive!" The doctor smiled.

"Is she awake?" Kian asked.

"Yes but we can't allow visitors until tomorrow. I'm sorry boys, you should go home." She answered.

We all looked down and cursed under our breath. I got up,"I'll drive." I told them and we all piled into Ricky's car and I drove us back to the house.

When we got there I settled myself onto the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"The thing I don't get," I started and turned my head toward Kian who was sitting on the floor next to me,"is that even when she was about to die, she still was stubborn in her suicide note. Who does that? Leaves a note simply saying goodbye and not telling their loved ones why they did it?" I paused for breath. "God I love the girl but she's such a pain in my ass sometimes." I laughed a little. I truly do love her.

"I know what you mean." Kian smiled. "No matter what that girl has to outsmart you. Whether you guys are just having a regular conversation or having a contest on who knows the most large words, she'll outsmart you." He laughed. "It's like, she always has to make it so you won't underestimate her because she feels so insecure about her intelligence. She's beautiful and famous but for some reason she's insecure. I just wonder what happened to make her break."

That just ended the conversation and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to Trevor screaming and Kian breaking things. Looks like nothing changes no matter what the situation.

"Is everyone awake now?" Sam asked walking down the stairs.

"Did you sleep in my room?" I glared at him.

"Uh . . . No?" He grabbed his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah sure numbnutts."

"Yes everyone's awake, let's go." Ricky exclaimed and grabbed his keys off the counter.

"Can I drive?" Trevor asked him.

Ricky just laughed, as did the rest of us, and sat in the drivers seat and started the car. As soon as we were all in we were off to the hospital to see my love.


"Great to see you guys back!" The same doctor from last night smiled at us when we walked in. "She can have visitors, but only one at a time, so who's first?"

All the guys pushed me forward, I looked back as Kian with a look that said are you sure? And he just nodded in response and I followed the doctor to Kendra's hospital room.

I walked in slowly, scared to disrupt anything.

"C-Connor?" Kendra wheezed. She sounded awful. She hinted at a smile.

"Yeah sweetheart, it's me." I smiled and sat at the edge of the hospital bed. I took her and into mine and squeezed it; I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Just come here and kiss me already!" She rolled her eyes, and I did just as she said.

I rested my nose against hers,"You know I love you right?" I asked her.

"If course, and I love you as well." She smiled.

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