Chapter 1

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 Book two

(Time skip)

WARNING: THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS ARE GOING TO BE KIND OF ABOUT THE AFTER EFFECTS OF RAPE SO IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE I AM SORRY.. Just skip the first like three chapters, but you will miss some important stuff.. Up to you

I woke up in a dark room chained to a wall almost naked the ice cold wall behind me was a constant reminder of that fact. I tried to focus my chakra but every time I did the four dark green snakes that were wrapped tightly around each of my limbs would wind tighter around me and sink there teeth in deeper. I refused to cry out so instead I bit my tongue and stopped trying to focus my chakra. The door opened bathing the room with a bright light that made me flinch. When my eyes adjusted I saw the tall pale man with black hair

"What a pretty little thing imagine my sshock and... Pleassure when I took off your mask, I just couldn't resist taking off a few more... inhibitors of your beauty" He said as he stuck out his incredibly long tongue and licked from my shoulder to my ear.

"Who are you" I said in a dead and flat voice allowing no emotion to come through

"Ahh I am offended you do not recognize one of the legendary Sannin Sssayuri" He said feigning hurt and I let out a long breath cursing my stupidity

"Orochimaru" I muttered

"Correct my darling.. now I bet you are wondering why you are here?" He asks in a teasing tone but I stayed silent. He reached his hand up and I couldn't help but flinch a little but he just moved my hair behind my ear.

"I wouldn't dare hurt you darling Sssayuri, but I am very much different from my.... Sssubordinates. You see it's rather lonely in a hide out with no women... well except my experiments...My subordinates are getting antsy you sseee...and while I can control my..urges...some ssimply can't. That is why I brought the most beautiful kunoichi in the hidden Leaf here...only the best.. you are quite the sight for sore eyes." He said caressing my face and licking up and down my neck. His hands went to my sides and I felt his cool fingers through the thing pale shirt I was wearing. I made no sound, no face of pleasure or pain, I simply closed my eyes so I didn't have to watch but surprisingly he stopped.

"That's about all for me dear...but you know what they say....first day is always the hardest and you have quite a few hungry customers. My dear Kabuto gets you first, then that lovely boy you fought against yesterday, the one who killed your friend." He said and a wide smile crossed his face as he unchained me from the wall letting me fall to the hard bed that was under me. He walked to the door but turned around

"Oh and Sssayuri my dear, those snakes will become a part of your new outfit and soon to be the only part.. but I wouldn't dare try any jutsu with them there" He said and left. I took a few moments to gather my thoughts.. I am going to be used as a sex toy until someone comes and saves me... I will not give them the satisfaction of reacting, I will stay strong, I will take whatever is coming to me, I will survive, I will escape, and I will get home to Kakashi.... those were the things I kept chanting to myself for the next several hours as 14 men came in to 'visit' me. By the last one I just whimpered quietly to myself trying hard to ignore the pain shooting through my body as I tried to sleep, the snakes still tightly coiled around my arms and legs.

Kakashi's Pov:

I was sitting in my room looking at the note Sayuri left me

Good morning sleepyhead!

I hope you slept well, you are just too cute to wake up when your sleeping.. you look so peaceful. Lord Third called me for a mission and I assume it will be for a day or two.. I'm Captain so I guess that's cool right? Still waiting for the day when I get to be your Captain but you are a natural leader hehe. Anyways I can't wait to see you already and I'm looking at you :3

Kakashi x Oc Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now