Chapter 18

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(Time skip to day after Lord Thirds funeral)

I was walking to the store to get groceries... Kakashi said he wanted to talk to Sasuke about something and Jiraiya just left with Naruto to find Lady Tsunade. As I walked to the store I sensed a familiar presence....But why would he be here.. At one of these shops?... I quickly changed my direction and went down a side street that took me to a dango shop. I saw Kakashi leaning against the wall reading his book casually and behind him was Itachi and Kisame..yet another swordsman of the Hidden Mist.. they were both wearing cloaks and hats that covered their faces.

"Hey Kakashi" I greeted walking up to him. I saw Asuma and Kurenai walk up from the other side of Kakashi as well.

"What are you doing at a dango shop you hate sweets" Asuma said but I could tell he was very aware of the two powerful chakras right behind him.

"I'm meeting Sasuke here" Kakashi said casually and I saw the shorter of the two that I knew was Itachi flinch slightly. I watched as they vanished and inwardly prayed that they went out of the village and that a fight wouldn't break out. I knew Itachi had no ill will towards the Leaf, I could see it in his eyes but if I were to protect him I would be counted as a rouge shinobi and I did not want that. Just as that thought went through my head Asuma and Kurenai vanished to go catch up with them. After listening to Kakashi explain something to Sasuke (I was not really paying attention) We both ran off to help Asuma and Kurenai. When we got there I ran to Kurenai's aid while Kakashi went to Asuma's....I was not afraid to look Itachi in the eye..I knew he did not want to harm me... I mean he came to my wedding. I could see his eyes soften ever so slightly when he looked into my eyes. I could see sorrow and guilt in his eyes and I knew that he had to fight to keep whatever lie he was keeping from us and I smiled faintly at him.



"Why are you here?" I asked and I saw him faintly make hand signs but without even moving a chakra barrier surrounded me and Kurenai as water shot up at me. Kakashi and Asuma dropped down to be by us and Kisame dropped to Itachi's side.

"Kisame, this will be a long fight if those two are involved. Leave this to me your attacks are far more noticeable" Itachi said and Kisame lowered his blade but kept his guard up.

"Everyone close your eyes, don't look in his eyes!" Kakashi shouted but I did not oblige. I instead looked straight into Itachi's eyes. However I felt Kakashi drop next to me panting.

"Kakashi can we open our eyes?"Kurenai asked

"N-no" Kakashi panted out

"What happened one minute you are fine and the next you are on the ground" Asuma said worriedly

"Hours in there and only a moment out here" He muttered under his breath. I still didn't take my eyes off of Itachi as I bent down slightly and picked Kakashi up and slung his arm over my shoulder

"Sayuri! Shut your eyes! What are you doing?!" Kakashi grunted looking over at me

"Don't worry Kakashi.." I muttered

"Asuma keep Kakashi standing" I said and slung Kakashi's arm over his shoulders instead.

"Sayuri what are you doing?" Kakashi asked again

"Close your eyes Kakashi, your sharingan does not protect from the Tsukuyomi" I said softly.

"How do you know what it was.." He asked closing his eyes

"You were far more quiet than I was on missions...I spent many nights talking to Itachi about his powers and life and such..." I trailed off then returned my gaze to Itachi

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