Chapter 11

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*Lemon warning*

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*Lemon warning*

"That was perfect" I said grinning like an idiot to Kakashi while he closed the door to our house.

"It was" he said chuckling slightly and hugging me close

"Soo.." I said pressing my fingers together slightly

"We really don't have to do anything Sayu" He said patting my head lightly and heading to our room...I have to get over this eventually.. Come on you got this Sayuri you are healed and I mean this is Kakashi.. I nod to myself jumping up and down a few times before walking into our room, Kakashi was already shirtless and in sweats, laying in bed reading.

"Can you help me with my dress?" I ask turning my back towards him. I heard him shift to get up and I felt his cool hands touch the skin of my upper back before he started taking it off. When it dropped to the ground at my feet I was left in a pair of white lace underwear and no bra. I turned around and threw my arms over Kakashi's shoulders and threaded my fingers through the end of his hair pressing our torso's together. His eyes immediately widened in surprised but I pulled his head down and pressed our lips together moving slowly against his. He tasted sweet like our wedding cake and I enjoyed the flavor as he slipped his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and let him slip his tongue into my mouth as I ran my hands slowly down his shoulders to his chest tracing every muscle gently with my fingertips. I felt him shudder under my touch and I smiled slightly into the kiss enjoying how his body reacted to mine. I turned my head to the side to deepen the kiss as I grazed my fingernails down his sides before hooking my fingers in the waistband of his sweats.

"I love you" He whispered and I could feel his warm breath fan across my face as he pressed his forehead to mine keeping his eyes shut.

"I love you too" I said before gently pushing him back on the bed. I slid off his pants and boxers letting his member spring lose as I threw the clothing to the floor. I ran my nails up his inner thighs and I saw him figit under my teasing touch and when I wrapped fingers around his member he look in a deep breath

"Kami, I missed your touch.." He said chuckling slightly. I smiled and licked the tip of his member, before taking him slowly into my mouth.

"Ah-ha Sayuri" He panted out while moving the hair from my face and pulling it out of my way holding it softly in his hand. I hummed on his member going all the way down while I scraped my nails on the inside of his thighs again. I continued bobbing my head up and down humming every once in awhile until Kakashi was a moaning mess under me. After a few minutes I felt his member pulsing and I knew he was close

"Say-uri I-I" He tried to speak as he moved the hand that wasn't holding my hair to his face. I softly squeezed his balls effectively cutting off his sentence as he released in my mouth gasping for breath. He leaned up and captured my lips in another heated kiss softly flipping our positions. He kissed a trail down my body while his slightly shaking hands caressed my sides and I could tell he was terrified of hurting me in any way. When he got down to my panties he took in a deep breath and looked up at me for permission.

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