Chapter 5

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(Time skip to on the road)

As we walked Naruto was bouncing around excitedly, happy to be out of the village.

"How am I supposed to trust my life to him he's a joke!" Tazuna yelled pointing at a now annoyed Naruto

"Don't worry he is with us, Sayuri and myself are both Jonin" Kakashi said pointing to me

"Ha! Like I can trust my life with her, she can't stop flinching like a child!" He yelled and everyone instantly stopped dead and looked at him...except me.. I kept walking ahead slightly ashamed that he was right. Naruto and Sasuke both rushed the man but were stopped when Kakashi appeared in front of him with a entirely too fake smile on my face.

"You can make fun of the kids all you like.. in my opinion they are a bit goofy and not fully trained" Kakashi said still smiling, but then he opened his eye and a dark aura surrounded him frightening everyone but me.

"But you know absolutely nothing about her life or what she has been through, do not assume she is weak because she is probably the strongest shinobi residing in the Leaf Village aside from the Hokage himself. If you lived a single day in her life you would probab-" Kakashi said raising his voice a little more each time

"Kakashi!" I scolded cutting him off

"He is the client, you know as well as I do that they are not always friendly people..leave him be, he was right I am not at my full strength and I have been flinching" I said simply and continued walking. He sighed and walked up next to me slipping his hand in mine

"I'm sorry" he muttered after a brief silence

"It's okay were protecting me...he's a jerk yeah, but I really only care about your opinion anyways" I said smiling up at him. We kept walking and when I saw a puddle I squeezed Kakashi's hand and he squeezed back. We both prepared a substitution jutsu and when two ninja appeared 'we' were wrapped up in chains and cut to pieces. We really just went and hide in a tree and watched as everyone seemed to slightly freeze up. Then Sasuke threw a shuriken through one of the chains pinning them both to a tree before sending them flying to the ground. Sakura stood in front of the bridge builder, and Naruto... completely froze under pressure. After Kakashi and I figured out they were after Tazuna I jumped down and grabbed one of them in a headlock while Kakashi grabbed the other.

"Hi" Kakashi said casually. I giggled looking at him

"Hi? really Kakashi? you are such a show off almost as bad as sensei" I said falling into a fit of giggles tying both the guys to the tree as Kakashi sweat dropped behind me.

"When we were younger you loved it when I showed off" he muttered then turned walking over to the kids.

"Sorry we didn't help sooner, Naruto..I didn't expect you to freeze up like that, Sasuke very smooth, you too Sakura" Kakashi complemented as I finished tying up the guys. I stood up and walked over to everyone glaring at Tazuna

"What?" He asked me

"We need to talk" Kakashi said in a serious voice

"They are the demon brothers, Chunin from the hidden mist. They are known for relentless attacks" I explained

"How did you know we were there?" One asked behind me

"puddle" I stated simply shrugging

"In that case why did you let the genin do the fighting?" Tazuna asked

"We could have easily handled them, but we had to see if it was simply ninja attacking ninja or if they were after you" Kakashi explained glaring at Tazuna

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