Chapter 15

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(TIme skip)

(TIme skip)

Sayuri's Pov:

"Hey Sayuri wake up, you have to meet with Gaara" Kakashi whispered while shaking me awake. I nodded and yawned opening my eyes to see Kakashi leaning over me. I smiled and l yanked his arms out from under him making him fall on me with an 'oof' I giggled a bit then found his lips with mine. The kiss was soft but full of affection.

"If that's what I get for waking you up what do I get for making dinner?" Kakashi asked teasingly getting up off of me so I could get up. I laughed lightly

"My undying love and affection?" I offered

"Mm but I thought I already hand that?" Kakashi responded cheekily as we walked to the kitchen.

"I guess you are right" I said smiling at him

"Thank you" I said quietly and he looked up at me quiestoningly

"For helping me earlier when I coulden't breathe" I said and he nodded his head once

"Are you alright now?" He asked and shrugged

"Yeah.. kinda" I said honestly and he frowned slightly

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked and I chuckled softly

"Just keep being you" I said and he nodded with a little smile

"So what do you think will come out of tonight?" He asked me seriously after a little silence

"I am not entirely sure but I hope that it doesn't come to violence again... I don't like the look he has in his eyes now they are so blood thirsty" I muttered looking at my wrist that was still thoroughly bandaged. He nodded in understanding and we finished the rest of our meal in comfortable silence.

(Time skip three hours)

Kakashi was seated against a tree and I was seated against his chest in between his legs. We had been reading like that for hours now and there was still no sign of Gaara. Night had fallen an hour ago so I had a flashlight held up for the book Kakashi was holding.

"I don't think he is going to be coming..." I said sadly letting my head fall over Kakashi's shoulder. He hummed sadly in response and wrapped an arm around my waist

"He may not come tonight but he may come and ask for your help later when he feels like opening up..." Kakashi offered

"I hope so I just don't want to push myself on him if it will end up hurting him more.. You're right I'll just wait." I said sadly getting up from my seat and offering Kakashi a hand. Once home we ended up almost instantly falling asleep in each others warmth.

I woke up slowly and rolled more into Kakashi's chest groaning loudly at the sunlight pouring into our room. I felt Kakashi's low chuckle rumbled in his chest before I heard it and I smiled happily at the sound.

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