Chapter 16

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(Time skip)

Naruto ran off with Jiraiya to train for the third exam and Kakashi and Sasuke went off to train as well. I was summoned by Lord Third to go collect the Feudal Lord and escort him back to the village for the third exam. It took about a week to get to the Feudal Lord's palace but it would take longer to get back because he was to be carried. Nothing bad came up until about halfway through our journey home...

"Everyone stop" I said calmly trying to listen over everyone's footsteps and everyone came to a halt. Our group consisted of me, the Feudal Lord (In his little carrier thing because Kami forbid he walk), the four people carrying said thing, and three of the Lord's personal guards. Once everyone stopped I heard someone coming.

"Guard up...someone is coming fast.... And they have a strong chakra" I said softly to the other guards. They all nodded I sensed the chakra coming and I heard it before I saw it. A blade came shooting at us and I immediately put a wall up, I put a second box barrier up around the Feudal Lord and the carry boys.

(also just so you know, the walls and barriers and general chakra manipulation she does is basically Naruto when he uses the Nine Tails chakra but instead of orange its black but its sill half transparent..ya know..)

"What is going on here? what is the meaning of this?!" The said in his high pitch voice

"I'm sorry sir but this is a barrier that will protect you, I need to focus on the fight" I said and darted a few steps towards the incoming target. A very lanky man in a mask dropped out of the trees laughing like a maniac. He had blonde hair and a blue triangle on the bottom of his mask that indicated he was from the Hidden Mist. I could feel my breath catch in my throat... I knew this man he is in the bingo book

"... One of the seven ninja swordsman and Nuibari.. Oh joy.." I muttered the last part while getting into a fighting position.

"Be careful he is known for stringing up his opponents.." I whispered as the other three guards got into a fighting stance with me. Just as I said that however the man on my left cried out in pain as the sword in question shot through his back and out his abdomen as the sword returned to his owner from when he had thrown it earlier. Kushimaru let out a high pitched laugh.

"You know your stuff, I will enjoy stringing you up the most" He said and launched himself at us. I quickly pulled out a few kunai and spread them out around the nearby trees then put up another chakra barrier deflecting his attack. Then I let all of the chakra from the wall condense together into a sword in my hand.

"Are you sure you want to go up against me with a blade" He said maniacally swinging it towards me again and I ducked under his swing. The two guards left went on each side of him and tried throwing kunai at him. He jumped in the air to dodge and Tskd

"I guess I will deal with them first!!" He shouted and threw his blade faster than the eyes could follow at the man on my right. It shot threw him so fast that the inside of the cut almost cauterized itself from the heat of the metal. I watched wide eyed as he fell before I could even comprehend what happened

"! Get into the barrier with the Lord I need to do this alone you will just die" I said pushing the youngest of all the guards towards the barrier and opening it up for him to get in. When I turned around Kuriarare had vanished.

'This is going to be tough.. I am exerting some amount of chakra just keeping them from being attacked.. I need to end this as fast as possible.. By myself..' I sighed and sensed my surroundings. I could hear his shift in material and knew he was about to throw his blade at me. I snapped my eyes open and teleported to one of the kunai I had thrown in a tree on his left. I quickly made some shadow clones and let them each teleport to a different spot. I sat and watched as each clone tried a different attack on him to see how he handled it. He easily dodged the headhunter jutsu sending his blade through my clone... Next up was a water style and one of the clones in the trees in front of him shot water bullets at him. He easily counteracted with his own water style jutsu. While he was blocking the water style I made a few hand signs

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