Chapter 14

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I watched as sand collected in the arena

"Gaara vs Lee.." I muttered to myself...I walked over to Gai and Lee and put my hand on Lee's shoulder

"Lee.. he is blood thirsty.. I know I can't stop you from fighting but be careful and, if he gets too out of hand just pull out of the battle.. there is always the next chunin exams but there will never be another chance at life" I said looking at the carbon copy of Gai as he jumped around excitedly.

"I will take him down Sayuri sensei do not worry about me" He said as he jumped down to fight Gaara. I walked over to Kakashi and grabbed his hand tightly

"They will be fine" He whispered

"I don't know about that.. It doesn't feel like they will" I said my eyes locked on the battle. As Gai started telling Lee that he could do something, I watched carefully as he removed his leg weights...

"Gai really leg weights?" I deadpanned as everyone other than Kakashi and I gasped when they hit the ground creating great craters in the ground. Gai just heartily laughed at me and I giggled slightly as we all watch Lee vanish with the amount of speed he had. The fight continued and I flinched from some of the hits that Gaara had to take and when I saw the pain in his eyes I closed mine and turned my face into Kakashi's chest

"He must have gone through hell, he was such a strong boy and he is so broken now" I muttered and I heard him hum in agreement

"Without a doubt if you talk to him you will help him as you have with every other person" He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a side hug. I turned my head and watched the battle again, Lee was on the ground and so was Gaara. Gaara wrapped his sand around Lee's leg and arm and crushed them. I cringed and when his sand shot out again both Gai and I jumped down, Gai blocked the sand and I grabbed his sand with my chakra hand like I had so many years ago. Gaara's eyes widened and he quickly looked to me as I walked over and crouched down.

"What happened to you Gaara? You said you would be strong when I left" I whispered looking over his injuries.

"you would come visit, I guess we both failed to keep our promises" He said coldly while pushing me back on my butt with his sand as he got up and went up to the balcony with his siblings. I was shaking slightly, not from fear but from shock from the look in his eyes. They were empty, no feeling or emotion other than hatred. I sat there for a minute until Kakashi came over to me and crouched down next to me.

"What did he say?" He asked looking into my watery eyes

"He said I failed to keep my promise to visit" I said sadly looking at my hands

"That's not your fault" He said picking me up off the ground and teleporting us upstairs. I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked over at the three siblings. I let out a long sigh and walked over to them

"What do you want?" The blonde one asked but I just looked over at Gaara and then looked at my hands

"Gaara, I do have what I promised you.. I have all of the pictures from that day" I muttered reaching for the scroll in my leg holster but sand wrapped around my hand to stop me. Kakashi must have seen because he was immediately by my side glaring at Gaara.

"Calm down Kakashi you know as well as I that he won't kill me" I said calmly looking over at him but he didn't drop his guard.

"I want nothing from you now... I know now that all of it was fake..Yashamaru explained everything about you the day I killed him. I love no one but myself and anyone who stands in my way will die" He said in that dead voice looking me straight in the eye as more sand wrapped around my wrist. I felt a shock go through my body when I heard what he said.. he killed his uncle...The battle below started and everyone was too focused on it to notice us

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