Chapter 9

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At about two in the morning I got the sensation of one of my kunai being thrown and my eyes snapped open

"The kids!" I yelled as I sat up straight in bed

"hm .. Sayuri are.. Okay?" Kakashi asked still half asleep rolling over

"Kakashi, up off your ass!..The kids are in trouble" I said sharply as I hopped out of bed and threw on my ninja sandals. I was now wearing a black tank top, and grey pajama sweats that had green ninja stars on them with ninja sandals and my kunai pouch hooked onto the back of my sweats. Kakashi followed suit throwing on his ninja sandals and a tank top on with a mask grabbing his ninja pouch too.

"What kids?" He asked while getting ready

"Land of Waves kids" I answered grabbing his hand and teleporting to the house.

Four of the kids were laying on the ground with some form of injury while the other two were cowering behind chairs. Itsuki was being held by his hair by what looked like some of the goons that followed Gato. He had a knife to Itsuki's neck

"Little boy, where are your parents! We just want to have a talk to them hehehe" He said grinning like a maniac

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear" I growled through clenched teeth getting into a fighting position with kunai in hand. The man looked up and laughed turning Itsuki around and putting the knife to his throat drawing a bit of blood

"Now, give us all your valuables or I kill him" He said still grinning sadistically

"Ryuu, Haru. Take the others to the kitchen please" I said and they nodded dragging the other boys to the kitchen

"Itsuki don't worry okay? and close your eyes this wont be pretty" I said looking into his wide teal eyes. He nodded slowly and let out a shaky breath closing his eyes

"You will not be okay boy! I will kill you unless your mummy here gives me all her valuab-" He was cut off when I teleported to the kunai stuck in the wall... the one that Itsuki had thrown to call me here. I stabbed him in the back of his head, marked the man next to him, grabbed Itsuki and before the goon even hit the ground I was back at Kakashi's side holding tightly to Itsuki who was crying softly into my shoulder.

"You're up sweetie" I said and he nodded holding out his hand

"Hey, we gotta get out of here they are ninja!" The man I marked yelled trying to get away. I grabbed Kakashi's hand and teleported him to the man then walked into the kitchen with Itsuki rubbing soothing circles on his back. Once I got there I saw that Hachiro, Hikaru, Katsuo and Taro were all bruised and Taro and Hikaru were unconscious. Just then Kakashi walked in completely clean and free of any injuries.

"Easy enough" he said

"" I said handing Itsuki to him he took him kind of awkwardly and I giggled slightly as I wrapped Kakashi's arm around his back and one under his butt. I could see Itsuki stiffen at the new touch.

"It's okay sweetie, I need to heal the others I'm not leaving don't worry." I said softly and he nodded into Kakashi's shoulder. I walked over and started healing the others laying them on the kitchen table one by one. After I was done I straightened up and looked at the other boys to see if they were hurt.

"What happened?" I asked while healing Ryuu's cut knee.

"We were getting ready for bed and they just barged in asking where our valuables were. Itsuki threw the kunai into the wall but then the biggest one picked him up and started threatening while the others kicked us around...He kept asking for our parents too, I guess he expected our parents to have all of our expensive possessions.. He didn't believe us when we said we didn't have any parents.. He said orphans wouldn't have such a nice house" He explained sadly a few tears running down his cheek. I wiped his tear and patted his head.

"They won't bother you any more okay?" I said and he nodded. Just then Taro and Hikaru woke up

"Sayuri!!" They both yelled and gave me a hug I smiled and hugged them tight looking over at Kakashi who was now answering all of Itsuki's questions and smiling at the boy. It's like a family...

I made them all dinner and put each of them to bed in there rooms. After everyone was asleep I leaned on Kakashi.

"I wish it was safer here for them" I said sadly he nodded in aggrement

"Let's go home" he whispered I nodded and grabbed his hand teleporting home

Kakashi's Pov:

I tried to comfort the boy like I would with Sayuri rubbing circles on his back. Eventually he stopped crying and looked at me.. I gave him a closed eye smile

"Who are you mister?" He asked quietly

"I am Kakashi Hatake, Sayuri is my fiance" I replied and he suddenly got really excited

"Does that mean you and Sayuri could be our parents??" He asked his bright teal eyes shining with excitement

"I am sure Sayuri would love to but it is kind of difficult living so far away" I said sadly but the boys eyes didn't stop shining

"Why can't we come live in your village?" He asked and I was slightly surprised

"You want to leave your village?" I asked and he nodded quickly

"If that means we can all be safe" he said smiling

"You know what?...I will talk to the Hokage, the leader of my village when I get back to see if you can come live there. If you move to my village though how would you feel about being a ninja?" I asked and his eyes sparkled excitedly once more and he nodded his head

"Okay well I will come back in a few days to tell you if you can or not, you go around and ask your friends if this is a decision everyone is okay with, okay?" I asked he nodded his head again and I put him back on the ground.

I am sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be the wedding and I will get that up hopefully by the end of the night :3

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