Chapter 19

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Sayuri's Pov:

I woke up the next morning to my pillow moving....Opening my eyes I realized Kakashi was getting out of bed.

"Sorry I tried not to wake you, I just really needed to use the bathroom" He said looking down at me and scratching the back of his neck.

"Good morning to you too" I said with a sleepy smile and e rolled his eyes half heartedly as he bent down to give me a kiss

"Goodmorning love" He whispered and I smiled even more.

"Much better" I said and watched him as he walked to the door in the corner. As his door closed the other one slid open and Naruto and Sakura piled in.

"Hey you are awake this time!" Naruto shouted jumping on the bed giving me a hug

"You guys visited already?" I asked grabbing Sakura and pulling her up on the bed too.

"Yeah last night.. you and Kakashi sensei looked so cute. I found your camera and took a picture, it looked very similar to the one you have from when you are kids" Sakura said excitedly and I blinked at her then smiled

"Thank you Sakura that is very thoughtful" I said bringing her into a tight hug

"Oh so I go to the bathroom and come back and my spot is taken" Kakashi's deep voice came from the doorway to the bathroom

"Yup I am a very popular girl" I said smiling at him and he laughed lightly as he grabbed his jonin clothes and disappeared back into the bathroom.

"Hey Naruto I am interested to test something, you up for it?" I asked looking at the boy still hugging onto my waist.

"Mhm" He said smiling up at me. I smiled and pressed my palm to his forehead...This was slightly different then Shukaku, I was in ankle deep water and there was a cage in front of me and blazing red eyes glared down at me

"Why are you here brat!" It shouted

"Uhm.. Hi! I just kinda wanted to see you...What's your name?" I asked the Nine Tails

"None of your business now get out of here!" He shouted and I opened my eyes in the hospital room panting slightly. Naruto looked up at me surprised

"How did you do that?" He asked sitting up and looking at me and I shrugged

"Maybe I will explain to you another time...he is pretty mean" I said looking at him

"Yeah I guess, but he helps me out.. Sometimes" He muttered the last part

"That's probably the best you can go for...if you ever find out his name let me know.. I'm interested" I said smiling at his confused face

"What are you two talking about" Sakura asked

"Nothing really important, are you guys going to go see Sasuke?" I asked sitting up a bit more

"Yeah we are actually on our way there right now" Sakura said standing up and grabbing Naruto

"I am glad to see you up and about Sensei!" Sakura yelled running out the door with Naruto in tow. I laughed lightly as Kakashi emerged from the bathroom

"Quick visit, I guess they wanted to visit you more than me" Kakashi said pouting

"Maybe if you weren't in the bathroom the whole time they would have talked to you too" I said getting up and grabbing my own clothes

"I can't have them seeing me in hospital's embarrassing" Kakashi muttered looking at the folded clothes in his hand. I giggled and went to go get changed in the bathroom...After we were both changed and ready to go I heard a scream coming from above us

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