Chapter 13

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(Time skip to meeting after the exams)

Kakashi and I walked through the doors and stood in the group next to the Hokage, we were warned that Orochimaru was spotted so Kakashi had been with me at all times and I had not been involved too much in the search for him. As all the survivors filed in my whole body froze and fear struck through my body like a lightning bolt. My knees almost gave out from under me and if Kakashi hadn't noticed and wrapped his arm around my waist propping I would have fallen

"What's wrong? Sayuri?" He asked worriedly. I just stared at the silver haired man with large glasses that was lined up with all of the others. I opened my mouth several times but nothing came out but a strangled whimper each time. Kakashi was looking at me worriedly as he ran his hand through my hair trying to calm me down but be discreet because we were standing next to the hokage and in front of other senseis from other villages. Kurenai sensed what was happening and stepped to my other side looking curiously at me. Just then the Hokage asked if anyone wanted to leave and he raised his hand. Naruto started to talk to him and he took a few steps closer to Naruto to talk more quietly but sirens went off in my head. I clenched my fists in pure hatred and my jaw was set. I teleported in between him and Naruto and not even bothering to use my chakra I grabbed him around the throat lifting him up before slamming him against the ground hard enough to make a small crater. Everyone in the room froze...I was not one for showing anger or being violent unless on a mission. I was always loving and kind to everyone and everything but all that showed in my face was pure undeniable hate. I was kneeling down next to him keeping pressure on his throat. By now all the genin had moved away and Kakashi, Kurenai, Gai and Asuma were all by my side. Before anyone could do anything Kabuto smirked

"Hello sweetheart I see you regrew your hair...such a shame I cut it short for a reason It doesn't get in the way...yet.. Still easy to grip if need be" He said with that amused tone he always held as he reached up one hand to grab the ends of my hair. I flinched and turned my head to the side when he called me sweetheart and I could see Kakashi straightened up visibly but my grip only tightened as black chakra flared around me, making everyone take a few steps back. I coulden't understand why he is breathing fine, he should be dead by now. Anger flared in my eyes as I let out a low scream and shot chakra threads out of my body stabbing all of them through his body. When I looked down at the body that lay under me it was not Kabuto but was a corps that looked like it had been dead for a few weeks. I growled in frustration as I stood up and let out a long breath. Kakashi took a few strides up to me and wrapped one arm around my waist. The Hokage walked up and looked at the body, and then came over to me and Kakashi while the body was taken elsewhere by some Anbu

"I am sorry Lord Third, that was Orochimaru's right hand man... Although I guess he does good with corpses... I assumed he was the one that faked my death and now he is using bodies to protect himself." I said looking at my feet

"I am sorry I interrupted the matches.. He was by far the worst of them" I muttered low so nobody could hear except him and Kakashi who gripped me tighter from either anger or sadness.

"I understand Sayuri.. I don't mind I would rather not have these people roaming around my village" He said with a soft smile.

"The Sound ninja sensei" I muttered meeting his gaze before glancing at the pale man and he smiled sticking his abnormally long tongue out of his mouth. As soon as I got the confirmation he was Orochimaru I stepped away from Kakashi and slammed my foot on the ground creating a box of chakra around the genin to keep them safe.

"My my dear Sayuri, I knew I should have never let you live" He said amused as he appeared right in front of me

"It seems you are putting too much chakra into defending the weak genin.. I thought four years would teach you that protecting others only gets you in trouble" He said grinning and backhanding me hard across the face. A little bit of blood ran down my chin but I shot a spike of chakra out of my stomach and straight into him.

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