Chapter 6

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(Time skip to that night)

The kids all went to rest up in the other room while Kakashi and I had a room to ourselves. It wasn't much but it wasn't bad...there was a thin mattress on the floor and a dresser in the corner. I sighed as I moved a bit of hair from Kakashi's hair that had stuck to his forehead

"Baka" I muttered sitting criss cross next to the bed. I tried to stay up to make sure he didn't get a fever or anything but my eyelids grew heavy and I slumped forward onto Kakashi's chest.

Kakashi's Pov:

...ughh why does everything hurtttt.... I opened my eyes and saw a blonde blob on my chest. A small smile spread across my masked lips when I looked at her, she was in an awkward position like she had been sitting next to me then just passed out. Sighing and ready to get an earful I shook her slightly

"Sayu wake up you are going to get sore if you sleep like that" I said but she buried her face deeper into my chest

"You would think after all these years you would use your Sharingan more wisely" She muffled into my shirt and I chuckled moving my hand slowly through her soft hair

"I had to keep the kids safe and you seemed busy at the time" I said and she lifted her head to look down at me through narrowed green eyes

"I had to face like 15 Zabuza's and you had only a couple" She said pouting

"Well at least we are both safe and so are the kids... that could have ended much worse" I offered and she rolled her eyes

"Yeah and I had to carry your fat ass all the way here" she said poking my chest.

"But I have to carry you all the time Sayuuu" I whined and she let out a small giggle that made my heart skip a beat. She moved some of her hair behind her ear and leaned down to give me a gentle kiss on the lips. Just then the door slid open and all the kids and Tazuna piled in.

"Kakashi Sensei you're awake!" Sakura cheered

"Yes and I would like to talk to everyone" I said trying to sit up but failing miserably.  Sayuri sighed and got up to walk behind.. she sat back down behind me and pulled me up to lean against her chest..which was slightly distracting..

"Thank you" I muttered to her as look at everyone. I felt this turning in my gut like I had missed something and I rubbed my face in my hand

"I feel it too" Sayuri whispered in my ear quietly

"To cut to the point I believe that Zabuza is still alive" I said bluntly and everyone gave a startled sound except Sayuri

"We saw his body believe it!" Naruto shouted

"But you checked said his heart stopped" Sakura said worriedly

"His heart did stop but the tracker was using senbon, they are rarely used for killing" I explained

"And the tracker carried his body away which is something trackers never do...they always work on the bodies immediatly" Sayuri finished from behind me I nodded in agreement

"We must prepare quickly" I said

"How can we prepare you can barely move" Sakura stated

"I will be up by tomorrow...Sayuri and I will train you guys" I said...With that being said everyone filtered out of the room but Sayuri.

"You should rest, if you really want to train tomorrow you need to sleep" she said from behind me.

"You should sleep look like you stayed up too long looking after me" I said as she laid me back down. She nodded and climbed under the blankets wrapping one of her still boney arms around my torso

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