Chapter 7

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"Goodbye everyone I love you all!" I said and then teleported to where Kakashi was

"Welcome back Sayu" He said giving me a smile... we were in the middle of the woods walking towards the bridge with Tazuna, Sakura, and Sasuke.

"Hey guys" I said grinning like an idiot

"What are you so happy about?" Sasuke asked looking up at me

"I met up with an old friend and made some orphans lives a little better.. so I had an enjoyable evening" I said still grinning

"I can't wait to hear about it later, but it looks like we have trouble here" Kakashi said as we got to the bridge where a bunch of men were lying on the ground.

"They're back" I muttered moving slightly closer to Kakashi

"Sensei's this is Zabuza's mist isn't it?" Sakura asked

"Yes but we are here so don't worry Sakura" I whispered to her

"I see you still have those brats with you. Look even that one is still trembling" a amused voice cut through the mist as several water clones appeared around us.

"I am trembling from...excitement" Sasuke muttered and went around destroying all of the clones.

"I see that you are pretty close to the kid with the mask, who does he think he's fooling by wearing it" Kakashi muttered

"Speak for yourself sensei" Sakura said

"Who does he think he is fooling, walking around in that mask like a clown" Sasuke murmured

"Oh Sasuke you're so cool" Sakura squealed

"That's basically exactly what I said" Kakashi pouted

"Aw I think you're the coolest sweetie" I hummed squeezing his hand a bit

"Thanks Sayuri" he said lowly and I smiled at him then returned to the issue at hand.

"It seems you have a rival Haku" Zabuza said

"Seems so" Haku responded and started to clash with Sasuke, I kept my eyes locked on there battle while Kakashi kept his eyes on Zabuza. Soon enough Haku had trapped Sasuke in ice mirrors and Kakashi and I rushed up to help only to be stopped by Zabuza

"If you enter this battle you opponent is me" Zabuza said blocking us with his sword

"We need to help him but he is going to keep getting between" I mutter to Kakashi who gave me a 'are you really that stupid' look

"What!.. Ohhhh.. I'm sorry about...myself..." I muttered then teleport to Sasuke's side except he was laying on the ground on his back with a bunch of senbon in him

"Can you get up Sasuke?" I ask pulling out my kunai ready to deflect any more senbon

"Yeah" he muttered as he pushed himself up from the ground

"Well cover my back until I think of a plan alright?" I said

"Hn" he responded putting his back to mine readying his kunai. Just then I heard the sound of something bigger than a senbon cutting through the air. I glance around and notice Sakura had thrown a kunai towards the mirrors. Right before It could make contact Haku caught it popping his head out of the mirror.

"There!" I say throwing my kunai right at him but right before it could make contact a shuriken came out of nowhere and slashed his mask.

"Number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja" Haku said while slipping back into his mirrors as Naruto appeared in a large puff of smoke

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