Chapter 20

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(Timeskip to after mission)

Kakashi and I tiredly walked towards the Hokage tower.. I knocked on the door and we entered when we heard Tsunade say 'come in'

"Our mission went well enough" I muttered handing her the scroll.

"Good" She said and then put her fingers together and set her chin on them

"Sasuke left the village" She said bluntly

"What?!" Kakashi and I both shouted but she put up a hand to shush us

"We sent a team after him" she said firmly

"Who did you send?" I asked quickly

"Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Naruto Uzumaki" She said and my mouth widened slightly with every name

"What! You mean you sent a bunch of genin after Sasuke!" Kakashi yelled hitting his hands against her desk

"Well what else could I do? You two know the state this village is in right now" She said calmly and Kakashi sighed dropping his head.

"Anyway I have a contingency plan in place" She said as Kakashi let out another breath and just turned to walk out, I knew he was going to go after them so I walked next to him ready to leave the office.

"Hey where are you going. You two both already have a mission assigned to you" She sad and Kakashi just waved his hand slightly

"We have an errand to run.. we'll be back shortly.... don't worry" He said as we walked out. When we walked out of the building I heard Sakura calling us

"Sensei's, It's already been two full days now... since Sasuke left the village.. Naruto and the others haven't come back and Lee's out there too." She said worriedly

"We know.. We are pretty much up to speed now." Kakashi said

"Sensei I have faith in Naruto, I do. I believe in him but if anything were to happen to those two.." She started but stopped as Kakashi and I both put a hand on each of her shoulders.

"Sakura you don't need to worry about a thing" Kakashi started

"Just leave it to us" I finished smiling down at her.

"Let's go Kakashi" I said and grabbed his hand teleporting to the mark I left on Naruto. We ended up surrounded by trees but nobody in sight. I looked around and saw a bit of orange in a tree. I jumped up and picked up a torn piece of Naruto's shirt and when I flipped it over I saw my mark.

"Of course he tears off the one piece of the jacket I marked, I knew I should have just marked him" I said running my hands through my hair and pulling it into a high ponytail. I heard a grunt nearby and we bolted in that direction

"N-neji?" I said as I ran to the boys bloodied body I turned him over gingerly and his eyes opened slightly

"Sayuri sensei?" He asked in a voice barely above a whisper. He had a hole going through his chest right above his heart and several kunai cuts in his back.

"You will be okay Neji, I will heal you in a moment." I said getting up... I made a few hand signs and bit my finger

"Summoning Jutsu!" I shouted and Kaede appeared.

"No time to explain, go to the Hokage immediately and have her send a medical unit out right away to collect the genin she sent out" I ordered and he immediately shot off in the direction of the village.

"Kakashi go on ahead and find Naruto, when the medical ninja's show up I will teleport to you" I said as I kneeled down to start healing Neji.

"Neji I need you to talk to me to stay awake" I said while pushing my chakra into him

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