Chapter 8

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(Time skip a day)

Sasuke Pov:

"Are they going to be okay? They have both been asleep for almost a whole day" Sakura said while walking down the stairs and sitting at the table

"I don't know maybe we should wake them?" Naruto asked just as Sayuri stumbled through the door

"Kami whatever food is being served I need like four plates of it" She mumbled half heartedly and flopped in a chair. Tsunami laughed and set down a plate piled high with rice and fish

"Glad to see you up Sayuri how is Kakashi doing?"

"He should be fine, we were both out of chakra so rest is the best thing" She said through puffed out cheeks filled with rice

"Food is delicious Tsunami thank you" She muffled before she ate the entire plate in a few seconds

"Jeez slow down Sensei you are acting just like Naruto and Sasuke" Sakura said crossing her arms

"Buffphhh saphhuurraaa phoooe" Sayuri muffled

"What?" I asked

"She said 'but Sakuraa food'" We all heard the deep voice of Kakashi from the doorway

"Thanks Kakashi" She said with a bright smile that could even make an Uchiha like me smile

Kakashi Pov:

I watched as the love of my life unceremoniously shoved all the food she could into her mouth..

"Calm down Sayu it's not going to run away from you. You are going to choke and how would it look if the most powerful kunoichi died because she choked on fish" I said lazily looking at her puffed out cheeks as I picked at my own plate of food. She just gave me a closed eye smile and continued eating and I smiled behind my mask

"How would you guys like being groomsman in our wedding, Sakura I'm sure Sayuri would want you as one of her bridesmaids" I said and successfully got Sayuri to choke on her rice. All of the kids faces lit up, well except Sasuke but I knew he enjoyed the idea.

"Really really you mean it really?" Naruto asked standing from his chair as Sakura squealed hugging Sayuri who had a few tears in her eyes but was successfully breathing again.

"Yes Naruto, how about you Sasuke? last time we brought up the idea you wanted to" I offered looking over at him

"Sure whatever" He said crossing his arms. I glance over at Sayuri who had now calmed down Sakura.

"That was kind of sudden don't you think.. " She said under her breath her face flushed red from choking or surprise... or both

"Well you seemed over confident in your abilities to not choke so I wanted to test that" I said with amusement as she huffed and crossed her arms puffing out her cheeks

"Also we aren't in Anbu anymore are we? That was our rule so why not?e" I asked leaning in and giving her a light kiss on the cheek. She blushed brighter and let her head fall onto the table to hide it

"I guess you are right. Now I have a whole lot of planning to do when we get back." She said simply and I smiled slightly

(Time skip to home)

Sayuri's Pov:

"Ah I see you are back from your mission how did it go?" Lord Third greeted us and Kakashi scratched the back of his head awkwardly

"What did you do now Sayuri?" he said sternly immediately looking at me

"Whaa oh come on it's not always my fault! That time with the Kazekage was an accident.." I mumbled kicking the wooden floor

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