Chapter 10

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(Time skip day of wedding)

The area was all set up, on the right side of the was a big beautiful wooden arch that had engraved wood flowers but real flowers were wound around it as well thanks to Inoichi. There were several that all had Tenzo's signature cat face on them and all around the benches were wooden pillars that all had flowers woven around them. Everyone was seated but...I was at Tenzos house getting ready to go.

"Sayuri why are you crying?" Tenzo asked rubbing circles on my back. Just then Sasuke walked in

"Hey everyone is rea--" he stopped when he saw me balling

"M-my father is dead and so i-is Sakumo..Kakashi's da-dad. And m-my sensei is d-dead too. No-nobody that was ever a f-father figure to me is here" I cried trying not to smear my makeup too much.

"Wh-who is left to w-walk me down the a-aisle?" I cried

"Aw Sayuri" Tenzo whispered hugging me

"You don't have anyone else that was remotely fatherly to you?" Sasuke asked awkwardly

"W-well there was, but n-nobody has seen him in y-years" I choked out

"And why would I miss out on your wedding" a deep cheery voice came from the doorway, a large man with long white hair stood there with a cheeky grin

"Jiraiya!!" I shouted as I ran up to hug him tight

*flash back*

"So Kakashi, Sayuri I want you two to meet my sensei, he should be coming any min--" Minato was cut off by a crash from his window. There stood a large goofy looking man with long white hair and a big grin scratching the back of his head while we all sweatdropped.

"Jiraiya sensei! I'm glad you could come" Minato greeted the man chosing to momentarily ignore the broken window

"Of course I could never miss out on a home cooked meal from the lovely Kushina..Who are the young ones?" He asked gesturing towards me and Kakashi

"These are two of my students Kakashi and Sayuri, Rin couldn't be here today" Minato said proudly

"Hi!" I shouted enthusiastically giving him a big hug. He immediately tensed but then picked me up

"Hi Sayuri, you know you shouldn't just hug people you don't really know" he said in a slightly stern voice. I puffed out my cheek pouting slightly as he set me back down

"You aren't a stranger though, you were Minato sensei's sensei so that makes you like gramps sensei pluss Minato sensei is incredibly strong and capable and I can only assume he had a equally incredible sensei" I explained and he sweat dropped when I call him gramps

"I'm not that old, its because of the white hair right?" He asked looking at his hair and I shook my head

"No, I mean look at Kakashi...he's got silvery gray hair but we are the same age. If anything the white hair makes you look wise" I said tapping my chin thoughtfully as he grinned widely

"Thats right little girl! I am the great and mighty toad sage!!" He yelled striking a funny pose that made me giggle

"Toad sage? Do you summon toads?" I asked looking at him, he grinned happily again. He grabbed my hand and lead me outside, Kakashi and Minato sighed and followed while Kushina giggled and continued making dinner.

"Summoning Jutsu!" He yelled in a gruff voice and a massive toad appeared out of nowhere

"Wow!! Your summoning is much bigger than mine" I pouted slightly but I couldn't take my eyes off of the massive toad

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