Chapter 2

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Kakashi's Pov:

"Okay guys our last mission today is to take this scroll to the front gate to Kotetsu and Izumo okay? Then we can all go home" I said as I thought about going to my empty house and lying alone in bed. It's been a few days over four years now...

"Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asks shyly

"hmm?" I hummed tiredly

"Why do you always look so sad all the time, even when you smile you seem depressed" She said

"That's very observant of you Sakura..." I mumbled

"What happened Kakashi sensei we can help believe it!" Naruto butted in with a grin and I sighed putting down the book that I haddn't actually read since Sayuri disappeared

"It's been about four years since I lost my best friend and..." I said slowly as I stood completely still staring out the gates.. in the distance I saw two wolves, one white and one black. I quickly took out a kunai and stuck it in my leg not even flinching.. the pain was dull..

"KAKASHI SENSEI!" Naruto and Sakura shouted at the same time

"What did you do that for?" Sasuke asked...But it didn't vanish, they always vanish when I hurt myself.. why is it still here... I could see the large wolves clearly now and a few tears unintentionally dropped out of my eye. I stood still watching as they came closer to the gates and my eyes widened in horror at what I saw. At the gate a few yards away they stopped and a very small woman climbed off. She had short blond hair and was wearing basically a rag, she had bruises all up and down her arms. She was clutching tightly to a scroll. When she looked up I saw them..those green eyes that had lit up my life for years..but they were not nearly as bright as they once were..not as full of life. After she slid off the wolf she stood for a moment and then crumpled. In an instant I caught her and looked into her eyes..

"Sayuri?" I choke out as tears stream down my face. I didn't care that my students are watching, I didn't care that Izumo and Kotetsu were looking wearily at her... all that mattered was that this was definently Sayuri

"Kakashi" She said barely above a whisper and raised one of her hands to touch my cheek.

"I'm so sorry I'm late" She said softly and smiled slightly at me. I felt my entire body tremble and my heart sunk..she was alive this whole time and nobody knew.. nobody did anything... I didn't do anything. I pulled her into my chest and I felt her wrap her frail and bruised arms around my neck.

"You have no reason to be sorry sweet heart, it's my fault.. I never came looking I t-thought you were dead" I said as my tears tripped onto her shoulder

"It's okay Kashi, I understand" She said quietly.. She was not crying.. not really.. yes a few tears ran down her cheeks but I knew something terrible had happened. I look over her body and violently flinch when I see the dried blood on her inner thighs.

"Sayu I am s-so sorry I didn't protect you." I said and bury my face in her hair again.

"Kakashi I know you thought she was dead, but you need to get her to a hospital, I will tell you what she told us once we are there" Kyo said to me in a sad voice. I nodded and picked her up carefully in my arms. She couldn't have weighed more than 90 pounds.. I quickly made my way towards the hospital ignoring every weird look or odd comment I heard on the way

"Sir?" The front nurse asked when we got there. Her eyes landed on Sayuri and she immediately called for help. Before they took her away she grabbed my hand and put a scroll in my hand and smiled

"Take care of this for me will you? They are precious to me" she muttered to me then they took her away on a bed. Her eyes were closed and a small smile was on her face as the rolled her down the hallway.. Immediately I crumple to the ground and bury my face in my hands. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were there but were dead silent. Kaede and Kyo came up and nuzzled their noses to my cheeks and whimpered licking my cheeks. By now my mask is a shade darker from being wet from tears and the wolves. They helped me up and led me in a chair that I plopped down in. They both sat front of me and laid there heads on each of my knees looking up at me

Kakashi x Oc Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now