Chapter 12

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Kakashi and I were sitting outside the door of the classroom waiting for our team to arrive.. I was about to open my mouth to speak when they came around the corner. I grinned and ran over hugging them all tightly

"I am so proud of you guys!" I all but yelled

"Hn! Let me go!" Sasuke squirmed out of my grasp but I grabbed him by his high collar and huddled him and the others around me

"You guys, stick together and stay strong...Protect each are a team do not forget that okay?" I asked looking at each of them directly

"Yes sensei" Naruto and Sakura said and I glared at Sasuke

"Hn whatever" He said boredly

"Good, now.." I came closer to whisper to all of them

"Let all give Kakashi a hug" I said grinning and looking over at him, he was standing a few feet away reading his book like the lazy ass he is. I picked up Sasuke because I knew he wouldn't do it and we all rushed him

"Waahmphhh" Kakashi muffled as we all tackled him to the ground. Naruto and Sakura were laughing while Sasuke was trying to run away.

"Hey guys just remember that no matter what Kakashi and I love you even if he would never admit it" I said while pulling everyone off of the very shocked Kakashi. They all nodded and walked through the door when it shut I giggled a bit pulling Kakashi to his feet

"Hmm I love you" He cooed pulling me into his chest

"I love you too" I said laughing

"Did we make the right choice sending them?" I asked leaning into him and resting my head on his shoulder looking at the door.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki I'm going to beat all of you!! Believe it!" Naruto screamed from behind the door

"I think they will be fine" He said in an amused voice as I laughed

"Leave it to Naruto to say something like that... let's go wait with the other jonin" I said wrapping my arms around his left arm and leaned on him. we walked through the halls and ended up in a room that had Kurenai, Asuma and Gai in it.

"Hey guys!" I said cheerily as we walked into the room

"My eternal rival and his beautiful lotus flower!" Gai cheered. I smiled at him and we took the seat opposite of the three

"Did you guys hear who they got to proctor the first exam?" Asuma asked looking around as we all shook our heads

"Ibiki Morino" He said simply Gai and Kakashi got worried or shocked looks but I broke into a fit of giggles

"They got that sadist?... Why are you laughing Sayuri?" He asked turning to me

"Ibiki? Who is he?" Kurenai asked and I took a few breaths to stop my laughter as everyone looked at me with raised eyebrows

"He works in torture and interrogation, he is known for his mental torture and mind games" Asuma explained

"Yeah he doesn't even need to use physical torture to get to someone...which brings me back to my question, why are you laughing?" Kakashi asked again and I started to giggle again

"Well... I guess I forgot to tell you some stories about what happened in the years we didn't talk to one another." I said slapping a hand over my mouth to muffle the sound.

"What did you do that had to do with him" Asuma asked surprised

"Well, about a year before I got back in touch with everyone I was called into the Hokage's office, along with Anko... Ibiki apparently was searching for someone to train, Anko and I were the best options due to our skills. We both obviously declined but after the meeting we went out for dangos and got talking...we both thought that Ibiki was a rather stuck up fellow and we decided to bring him down a bit" I said bursting into another fit of giggles kicking my feet in the air a few times

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