Chapter 3

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Continuing from last chapter, Kakashi just left to get her some food..

Sayuri's Pov:

My entire body was aching.. My legs and arms felt like if I moved them they would break.. my ribs have been broken for about a month now so I got used to that pain but there was a constant searing pain between my legs that had been there for years but I never got used to it. I looked to my left and noticed a new picture next to the one of us with Sakumo. It was Kakashi and me on the day that we got engaged. My heart dropped to my stomach when I looked at my bare left hand. I whimpered softly and curled up in a ball gripping onto the picture of Kakashi and I. My pain tolerance wall was that I didn't need to hide my pain.. it was making it all the more unbearable. I heard the door slide open and Kakashi's footsteps. I whimper again and I heard him keel down next to the bed. He brushed some of the hair out of my face and I raised my head to look at him with watery eyes. He gave me a loving look back and he kissed the side of my head

"I'm sorry Kakashi" I mumble into the pillow

"Why on earth are you sorry Sayu?" Kakashi asked and I looked at him as hot tears streamed out of my eyes...all of the tears that I had built up over the years were starting to come out.

"I lost the was so beautiful and I loved it and you paid so much and I lost it after a day" I said bitterly burying my face deeper in the soft pillow. I felt Kakashi pull on my left hand and slide something cold on my finger I look down and I saw it

"Tenzo found it when we went looking for you, I have worn it on a necklace ever since" He he said quietly and I cried harder and hugged Kakashi. He stood up and sat next to me on the bed letting me curl up like a cat in his lap still hugging his torso and crying out everything I had held in over the years

"Shh you are safe, I refuse to let you out of my sight again, I'm here let it all out" Kakashi said soothingly while running his hands through my hair. I cried for probably about an hour before I started to breath easier. Kakashi never stopped petting my hair or rubbing circles on my back. I leaned up slightly and he wiped my eyes for me

"I have to pee" I muttered quietly and I weakly got up and went to the bathroom. Almost immediately a burning sensation as if someone had lit a fire started and I immediately stopped and let out an involuntary scream of pain. Immediately Kakashi was in the doorframe

"Sayu, you okay?" He asked me as I hunched over.. still on the toiled whimpering softly. I had no shame in him seeing me like this, I had no shame at all with my body. Tears started coming out of my eyes again and Kakashi walked over and kneeled in front of me

"It hurts so bad" I whimpered. Kakashi took my hands and held them tight

"I'm so sorry Sayuri, but you can't ignore it forever" Kakashi said simply and he was right.. I had already been holding it for hours so I could postpone this pain. I scream again but Kakashi kissed my forehead. What a great guy..he is by my side no matter what. I internally giggle but I actually giggled. Kakashi looked at me shocked.

"Not that I didn't miss that sound more than anything, but why on earth are you giggling now?" Kakashi asked me utterly confused

"You are just sweetest guy ever Kakashi, you even came in here to help me out" I said and giggle again forgetting about the pain.

"I'm just happy I could finally do something to help" He said smiling at me

After that I ate my first real meal in four years, it was just rice and soup but it was the best sensation in the world to taste real food. I then slipped into a restless sleep even though I was curled up in Kakashi's arms.

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