Chapter 21

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"S-sayuri.." I said failing miserably at holding back a few tears and a hiccup.

"It's okay I'm not dead you don't need to cry" She said softly and I shook my head slightly

"What is it?" she asked trying to sit up but falling back groaning loudly. I took a deep breath and looked back up at her

"Sayuri...You were pregnant" I choked out and I saw her freeze.

Sayuri's Pov:

I felt my entire world spin as I looked into Kakashi's red ringed eye

"N-no I couldn't get pregnant remember" I said hoarsely looking at Kakashi but he couldn't keep my gaze as a few more tears dropped from his eyes

"Remember Kakashi.." I trailed on hoping he was lying but he shook his head again and I let out a strained sob. Tears fell from my eyes and I quickly closed them resisting the urge to throw up.

"I should have come with you....I'm so sorry Sayuri" Kakashi said sadly gripping my hand tighter in his trembling one

"You couldn't have expected him to attack me.. I d-didn't expect him to either.. that's how he hit me in the first place" I muttered opening my eyes meeting Kakashi's gaze. We were both exhausted, we just got back from a two day mission then went out to rescue the kids and now this.

"I'm sorry I didn't k-keep our child safe" I said quietly averting my gaze to the ceiling again.

"Don't do that to yourself's as much my fault" Kakashi said standing up and moving my chin to meet his gaze

"Tsunade said that Sasuke's attack did lessen your chances of getting pregnant any more than they already were. She also said the chance gets higher the more time passes so w-we can always try again.." Kakashi said softly sitting himself on the edge of my bed. I nodded my head unable to say much more so we sat in sad silence for a bi

"Care to join?" I asked breaking the silence as I scooted over slightly. He nodded and started stripping off his ninja gear and then taking off my headband and shoes that nobody had taken off. He laid down on his side next to me facing me and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders steering clear of the large scar on my stomach. I now had three... one that stretched from my under my left boob to my right hip from Zabuza, a circular scar under my right boob from Kushimaru, and now a large gash in the center of my abdomen that faced the opposite direction of Zabuza's . I whined slightly looking down

"What does it hurt? Do you need me to get someone?" Kakashi asked preparing to get up but I shook my head gripping the front of his we shirt to keep him in place

"No just another ugly scar on my torso. I might as well go hunt down the rest of the swordsman and ask for some more. I already have two down.. And that's not even counting the ones I have on my arms and legs from those stupid snakes" I muttered bitterly running my finger softly across the scars I already had

"I still think you are beautiful, it just shows how strong you are. And I would appreciate if you didn't willingly hunt down any more swordsman" Kakashi said trying to sound amused but just came out as tired. I nodded my head and laid back on my pillows and almost immediately went to sleep with a few more tears dripping down the sides of my head into my hair.

Waking up I felt Kakashi's warm body pressed against my side and could hear his soft breathing. I opened my eyes and he had his head resting on our shared pillow..the skin around his eyes were still a bit red but he had a peaceful look... It took me a moment but I also felt someone gripping the hand not on Kakashi's side. I squeezed it lightly as I looked at the blonde boy that had his head resting on my thigh. After I squeezed his hand he raised his head ready to speak

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