Cassandra White

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13 years later

I was late to first period yet again and I didn't give a shit. I took my sweet ass time walking to school today because my brother, Zack, wouldn't give me a ride. It wasn't like I paid attention in this class anyway...I hated English. I quietly opened the door and swiftly flew into my desk and pretended to pay attention

"Cassandra White. This is your fourth tardy to my class this week. I'm so glad you could make it"

I smirked at her and pulled my stuff out of my backpack. 

"It's great you made it Cassandra because you just volunteered yourself to share your paper on "All Quiet on the Western Front"

"Yeah...didn't read it."

"I'm not asking you to read the book Cassandra. I'm asking you to read your essay on the book"

"Didn't write it. Didn't want to."

"You didn't do your homework?"

"No you old bag I didn't. Turn on your hearing aid"

"Go outside!"

I got up and stood outside the door. I didn't even care. I wasn't interested in school and even less interested in this class. I'm sure running my mouth is going to get me written up and sent to OCS (on campus suspension) for the week....whatever....still more entertaining than this crap. Mrs. Bennett emerged from the classroom and handed me the pink slip to take to the office. I rolled my eyes and ripped it from her hands and pushed my way back inside to grab my backpack. I marched out of the door and slammed it and then kicked it once it closed. I pulled out my cellphone and started sending text messages to my friends while I sauntered towards the office. I stopped in the bathroom and leaned against the sink and made some calls.

"Come on Sethie...please pick me up I don't want to be here anymore. I got suspended anyway so it's not like I'm going to be going to class. Please. I love you."

"Cassie I can't right now. I'll come get you on your lunch break."

" can be my early sweet 16 slash Christmas present. I can give you your Christmas present early....please...."

"Fine. Meet me by the softball field in 10 minutes."

I smirked as I hung up the phone. I primped my hair and fixed my make up and made my way out towards the back parking lot. None of the narcs would be out there looking for ditchers at this hour. They were too busy making sure no one went through the fence at the soccer field and into the park next to the campus. I continued walking and saw a familiar person walking towards me and I rolled my eyes and kept walking

"Mom and dad are going to kill you"

Zack said ripping the pink slip out of my hands

"So what" I said taking it back

"Shouldn't you be heading to the's that way in case you forgot"

"Whatever Zack. It's not your business."

I pushed past him and kept walking. He yelled at my back

"You're SO not one of us Cassie." I stopped and turned around "'re a bitch. You're arrogant and have an attitude problem. Travis and I have never acted this way. Wonder why...OH that's're ADOPTED. You aren't even really related to me...thank God."

"Fuck you Zack"

I turned back around and quickened my pace towards the softball complex. My boyfriend, Seth, was picking me up. He was older than me and already graduated from high school. OK he just barely got his GED and he's 20.  He was my boyfriend of the month. Maybe next month I'll have someone new, but this one is good enough for the time being. He's kind of a jerk, but I like him like that. I stood on the sidewalk by the main road and waited for his truck to pull up. I started thinking about what Zack said to me and it made me sad. I didn't know I was adopted until a few years ago when my brothers took it upon themselves to tell me. They constantly remind me of it. I always knew I looked different...I had dark hair and blue eyes. They were all blonde with brown eyes. Except for my dad. His hair was brown and he had brown eyes. My parents always just told me I was special for getting blue eyes. 

His truck finally pulled up and I hopped in and moved to the center seat. I gave him a quick kiss as he drove away. I laid my head on his shoulder and thought more about what Zack said to me. I knew I was different from my family. I was strong willed and opinionated. I had more boyfriends than I knew what to do with. I didn't follow the rules, I hated school, I had very few friends at school that were meaningful. All of my friends were Seth's friends. It wasn't be best crowd to be hanging out with, but I could handle myself.  I started wondering about my birth parents. I wouldn't be able to find out anything about them until I was 18 and I was afraid to ask my parents. I didn't want to hurt them. A few tears fell from my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. 

"You OK?"

"Yeah. Just thinking is all."

"So you got yourself suspended huh? What'd you do?"

"I mouthed off to my English teacher."

"I can make it all better"

He raised his eyebrows at me and I knew what he was getting at.  I half smiled as he pulled up to the house he was staying in. He laced his fingers with mine as we walked into the house together. He made his way into the kitchen and handed me a beer. It was only a little after 9am and a little early to start drinking. I set it down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch. I was bummed out about everything. I had a hard exterior but I was very sensitive and words always hurt me more than anything. Seth came over and sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. I wasn't trying to just kind of happened. He pulled me back and I looked into his green eyes as he crashed his lips to mine

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