Going Home

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"You ready to go?"

Sighing "Yeah I guess."

"Cassie this really is the best thing for you. You'll have structure and you won't be alone all of the time. Your brothers will be there and your friends. Seth has even been coming around a bit.  I think with everything that's happened you're better off at home with us.  Plus we'll be home in time for dinner and we can go out for your birthday. Where ever you want."

I nodded sadly and waited for my dad so I could tell him. I didn't want to do it. I hated that I was going to hurt him like this. 

Jon's POV:

I took a few things from her closet for her to change into.  I looked around the house and smiled. This was the first time I was actually excited about my birthday and sharing it with Cassie this year. Colby and Tristan may have gone a little overboard with the balloons and stuff, but I think we were all just trying to make up for the shitty 16th birthday she had last year. I was also hoping this would maybe cheer her up a little bit after everything that's happened in the last few days. We piled into the car and headed to the hospital to pick her up and surprise her.

Cassie's POV:

I sat on the edge of the bed and waited. My mom left for a while to give me time to talk. I was so scared and sad. I wasn't sure that this was the right thing to do. My mom really feels like it's the best thing for me. The door opened and my dad walked in with a huge smile on his face. Tristan and Colby were right behind him. He walked over and gave me a huge hug and kissed my cheek

"Happy birthday!!"

I half smiled and mumbled "thank you.  Happy birthday."

I looked around at Tristan and Colby and my dad. I wanted to cry. I really hated myself at this very moment. I was about to break my dad's heart and I didn't know the right way to do it...if there was such a thing. I looked over at Tristan and we locked eyes for a second. He knew...I could tell he knew

Tristan: "What's wrong with you?"

I swallowed hard and looked up at my dad.  His smile faded and he backed up a bit

"Can we talk?"

Tristan and Colby stepped into the hall for a second and I looked down

"Why so sad on your birthday??? Here's your bag so you can wear something more comfortable home. I have a big surprise for you...I hope you.....like.....what's wrong?"

"I'm not....I'm not going home with you. I'm going home to Indiana.....with my mom"


"I'm sorry daddy....please....I....I just think it's better. I need my mom and I'm alone a lot here and....please daddy....please try to understand. I'm so sorry....."

I saw the hurt in his face and I just wanted to curl into a ball and die. I stood up and walked towards him and he backed away

"Cassie...I thought things were better. I thought that we worked everything out. You're just going to leave. You don't even bother to talk to me about it first? You just decide to go??"

"Daddy please....please....I'm so sorry...I don't want to hurt you....I don't mean to hurt you I....I just need my mom and I don't have her here and....I'm so sorry....please don't hate me. I love you with all my heart...I just can't...."

He backed further away towards the door. I saw his eyes well up and he loudly cleared his throat to try to hide it. I stepped forward towards him and he put his hand up letting me know he didn't want me to come closer. I wanted him to hug me and tell me that he understood and wasn't mad at me. I didn't mean to do this. I didn't mean to seem ungrateful or cruel. 

"Please....daddy....please....I need you too....."

"I love you Cassie...stay safe"

He turned and walked out the door. I fell onto the bed and sobbed. This was the worst day of my life and I hated myself for everything I just did. The door opened and I sat up and turned around. He came back! 

"You're just going to leave?   You don't care??? Just like that? See ya later???"

"Go away Tristan."

"Don't you realize what you've done??? Who you're hurting??? Your dad loves you more than anything and you just crushed his heart. You don't even care."

"Yes I do!! I care. You think this doesn't hurt me!?!?!?!"

"What about me?"

"What about you Tristan?"

"Don't pretend like you don't know. Cassie...we've been seeing each other for months. I'm in love with you...you're just going to leave me without even a second thought?"

"I'm sorry..."

"You know what your problem is?  You're an ungrateful, spoiled rotten bitch. I'm sorry but you are. You use people. You don't get your way or something happens that you can't deal with and you move on to someone who will give you the attention you're looking for.  Someone who will let you have your way. You're an attention whore. You crave it. You can't stand not being the center of attention. You're cold and heartless and you don't even care. Stop pretending like you do. You don't."

"You don't even know me"

"Liar. I do know you. I just described you to a t. You just don't want to admit it. Why can't you just learn to deal with shit instead of always running away??  I want you to stay Cassie, but I know your mind is made up. I'm willing to bet Seth is sitting there waiting for you now....just go. You know whatever....I'll get over you....but your dad??? You're fucked up Cassie. He worked hard and fought like hell for you and this is how you repay him?"

"Tristan please...please don't hate me too..."

"Too late. Safe travels Cassie" 

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