comics and finishing school

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i only have this week and next week of full lessons, and im kinda sad about that because week 1 tuesday is my favourite day (double science, pe and then double art) but i sit next to my friend is all of them and we just piss around in pe so) im going to miss them so so much??? hopefully my timetable next year is decent seeming as its my last year lol

also??? been developing characters for my comic? i dont want this to just stay as an idea because i love the plot idea and i adore the characters. i also put a new story up on here which is just character referencing but idk i like writing them??? currently only have the mains from my comic up but i want to do one for theo from peaches and rain because <3 my MAN.

anywayyy more about my comic, it's about a group of people who are put into a science group for their final year at school, and its about their developing friendship as they get to know eachother more and romance and ugly gross teen angst and theres diversity and lgbt themes and its all very gay and lovely and i adore the characters more than anything (deckard is just so fucking good and lovely, andrew is so incredibly sincere and sweet, and keira is just downright an actual angel) if this sounds like something you would read stay TUNED because i'm -working- on my art style and im so happy so far but my style is kinda gross so i need a LOT of practice, but???? if u want to read it hang around for a few months and i may be ready then who knows.

also. im going to start rewriting peaches and rain soon how exciting

i say that but it'll probably be another month because im gross and never have enough time to do anything lol

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