this makes me sound dumb and like i'm overreacting

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my mood has been so!!!!! empty! for the past few months and my few i mean basically the whole year because i have some happy spells but then i just feel like complete shit and then i feel numb and its this cycle going on and on and on and on and i cant. do it anymore. because i literally dont feel like theres a point in even trying anymore and this isnt me being suicidal but its me being like???????? what is the fucking point? im in love with someone who feels nothing for me back, im failing literally every subject at school and i just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I need help i actually need someone to help me because i keep this to myself for a second longer it'll just completely fuck me over and im not even kidding i will probably fucking kill myself and i JUST CCANT YOU KNOW??? 

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