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I created this so i can rant endlessly about things.

A lot of it will be about my crush and probably issues i feel strongly about. I doubt anyone will read any of this, and if they were to; actually care. But, if anyone is reading this, thanks???

Ps, read my new story it's called peaches and rain and its p chill

OH and i completely stole this idea off of someone so credit to them

edit: hello it is currently october 2018 as im writing this, and this story began back in summer 2016 which !! was rough!! its actually gross and embarrassing but its a part of my life and its nice to kinda read back on and see how much i actually have changed. also a LARGE part of this is about the crush i had from the beginning up until legit last month, so if youre here for gross romance, welcome. for people who want context, at the time this was made it was 2016, i was going into year 10 at school, which is grade 9. CURRENTLY, i am in year 12 (grade 11.) so obviously this documented my gcses which is funny, and they will hopefully document my a levels too. also most of this shit is funny and way too personal but have fun xxx

i have an instagram and twitter if anyone actually wants it hmu xxxx

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