Life on the Shore (Chapter 1)

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Totally in love with Klance and Voltron Legendary Defender! This shouldn't have yaoi, maybe a kiss here or there... but it won't happen for a few chapters because a) I suck at prioritizing/short stories and oneshots, and b) I wanted this to be a decently detailed story, so yeah... 

Anyway, hope you enjoy! (Also, feel free to check out my other Voltron/other fandom fanfics!)


He didn't know what was wrong with him, but Lance McClain was always drawn to the ocean. Maybe it was the fact that he'd grown up in a surf shack along the coast of Altea Island?

But nobody else that lives there seemed as attached to the waters as him.

There was just something about the smooth, sparkling water spanning beyond the horizon. The fish that filled the sea. The sheer power of the waves he often rode when he surfed.

He set aside his guitar, the magnificence of the seas prohibiting his fingers from plucking the strings like his mind wanted. He rocked in his hammock in his room, staring out past his balcony, watching the sun shine down on the blue glimmering water.

His door suddenly slammed open, making him jump and nearly fall out of his hammock. Lance shot a glare towards the doorway, but covered it with a grin when he saw his best friends in the world, Pidge and Hunk.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Lance greeted, before he spotted the scowls and hurt on their faces. His smile disappeared.


"Lance, we need to talk," Hunk interrupted. Hunk was the biggest of the three, and was a genius chef. Hunk worked in Lance's parents' surf shack. Hunk had worn his usual flower patterned yellow shirt and shorts, but his disappointed look was a bit unsettling.

"You've been avoiding us," he said.

"Avoid you? What do you mean--?"

"What the hell do you mean, 'what do you mean'?!" Pudge snapped. They were smaller that Lance and Hunk, but really smart, always staring at a computer screen.

"You haven't texted or talked to us in days, haven't tried to hang out with us, and instead of answering our calls, we always find you out surfing!" Pidge snapped. "I'm fucking done with it!"

"That's a bit harsh, but not that wrong," Hunk added. "The only reason I decided to work in the shack downstairs was so we could hang out more, Lance."

"Listen, I'm sorry, it's just, the water--"

"Yeah, 'the water seems to call to you', my ass!" Pidge shouted.

This really angered Lance. He didn't care if people yelled at him. That he could handle. But if they disregarded his fascination and appreciation for the sea, that irritated the living hell out of him.

"You listen here, Pidge," Lance growled as he got to his feet. He heard the waves grow louder and crash violently along the shore outside, but didn't turn away from his supposed friend.

"Uh-oh," Hunk muttered.

"I don't care who you are, but you both know I don't let anyone insult my love of the ocean," he stomped towards the door, leaving his own room. He paused and glared at them in the doorway.

"Some friends you are," Lance snapped. Hunk looked ready to burst into tears, and Pidge almost had steam seeping from his nostrils and ears with how infuriated he looked.

Lance continued tromping down the hall and down the stairway, Hunk and Pidge trailing behind.

"Wait, Lance!" Hunk called. "Where are you going?!"

"The ocean. The only place I can think and be accepted--"

"The waters are too rough right now!" Hunk argued.

"Not for me," Lance mumbled as he grabbed his blue and white surfboard and practically sprinted out the door towards the crashing waves.

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