Questions Unanswered (Chapter 4)

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Short sections, so I combined them again. I'm glad more people are getting into this! Still would love to hear any questions/comments/ideas! Thanks and hope you enjoy!


"Where the hell have you been?! Don't tell me you went surfing with the bad waves earlier?!" Hunk practically shouted through the texts on Lance's phone.

He and Pidge had just about shorted Lance's phone out with all the cuss filled and worried texts while he was out in the ocean. Well, Pidge's were cuss filled. Hunk's texts were more concerned and a bunch of crying emojis.

Lance lazily texted them both back: "Almost drowned. Fine now. Gonna sleep a bit."

Lance sighed and stared at the sea again, the necklace clutched tightly in his hand.

What was going on with him? The forecast didn't call for rough waters, and they only worsened near him.

He was losing his friends too, as questions only mounted. He grabbed his guitar, heading to the beachfront.

Once there, he sat on a log, strumming a few chords as he watched the tides rhythmically rise and fall. He sang the verses he'd heard on the cove, the words forever stuck in his mind on replay.

Child of the sea? What could that mean?

Lance paused, squinting towards the horizon. He couldn't tell if it was his imagination or the moon's shimmering reflection, or what. But, just barely, he thought he saw a few lights faintly glowing and flashing occasionally under the surface.

The waters churned slightly as his curiosity and concern mounted. Is someone diving with searchlights? Is it a submarine?

Lance reluctantly got to his feet, hesitating before returning to his bed, vivid dreams and memories not allowing him to sleep.


Shiro was right when he warned about raising tribe defenses. Despite raising defenses, the tribe sustained another heavy attack. More of their soldiers were taken, or killed on the battlefield.

More of their buildings and structures were weakened yet again or demolished.

"We cannot continue withstanding the siege, Princess," Coran, Allura's top advisor and close friend, warned. "We must surrender or go on the offensive, or else we won't have a Voltron tribe to defend."

"Shiro, what do you think?" Allura questioned, actually directing the question to him and Keith, Allura's top fighters.

"What about counterattacking?" Keith questioned.

"We wouldn't have the troops or resources to stage a successful battle," Shiro declined. "We should keep our priority on the tribespeople, protect them at all costs, even if we must evacuate..."

"Shiro, this kingdom is everything to me, you know I cannot willingly abandon my home--"

"I understand, Princess, which is why I want to continue with the defenses--"

"But our defenses grow weaker with every attack," Coran argued.

"Wait," Keith interrupted. All eyes turned to him. "I know that with the Balmera and Baku serpent, not to mention the Galra attacks, we can't survive like this."

"Thank you for summing that up, Keith," Coran muttered sarcastically.

"Hold on, Coran," Shiro defended. "Keith, where are you going with this?"

"I might know of someone who can help us."

"Who?!" Allura asked desperately, her eyes lit up with hope.

"A human Oceania," Keith admitted. Coran started laughing, but slowly ceased when he saw that Keith was as serious as he always was.

"Oceanias haven't been discovered in centuries," Coran argued. "And one amongst humans? It's unfathomable."

"Are you sure this human is an Oceania?" Shiro asked.

Keith nodded.

"If it is okay with Allura, I'd like to bring the Oceania here," Keith requested.

She nodded, grabbing a conch off a nearby console. "Here, this will give the human an air bubble. Bring the human here. He may very well be our last hope."

Keith turned to leave, but Shiro grabbed his shoulder. "Keith, be careful. I hope you know what you're doing."

"I always do," he replied before speeding off, leaving a trail of bubbles behind him.

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