Truths Revealed at Home (Chapter 11)

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'm still out of town so it's harder to write and post, but I'm trying! Big shout out to:

Ocean_Girl01 for giving me ideas for the remaining majority of the story! Check her out! Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Lance walked onto the shore, dripping wet, but of course he didn't mind that, nor the sand that was quickly packed and caked all over his tan feet and legs.

Lance looked down at himself and spotted the necklace, the one he assumed Keith had left for him. Keith, the one who apparently knew he'd be the Oceania, the one that dragged him to Voltron and changed his life forever.

Lance smiled to himself as he approached his home. His smile faded as he abruptly stopped on the front porch. The lights were all on, though no one was supposed to be in the shack.

Lance crept towards the door, before it was suddenly yanked open. Hands reached out and dragged Lance into the light.

Something heavy tackled him to the floor, their wrestling blurring Lance's vision to where he couldn't see his attackers clearly, but from the movement, Lance sensed two.

The bigger one he was wrestling pinned Lance. The smaller one shone a flashlight in his eyes and mouth, peering at Lance's legs like he wasn't supposed to have them, poking his calf as if it was an illusion or some trick.

"H--Hey!" Lance complained, something familiar about his two 'attackers'.

"Sorry, sorry," Hunk quickly apologized as he clambered off the skinny and wet teen. Pidge threw a towel at Lance.

"And where the hell have you been all day?" They demanded.

"Underwater, and that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you two about, now that you're here," Lance shrugged as he briskly rubbed the towel over his tan skin and brown hair.

The two shared a nervous look between each other.

"Well, h--how were you underwater all day...?" Pidge asked.

"That's not important, let's say, I made some friends down there, and they need my help..." Lance replied vaguely. "And this may sound crazy, but there's a reason I'm drawn to the water so much," Lance explained, holding up the necklace Keith had given him.

Both Hunk and Pidge grew wide-eyed and pale.

"P--Pidge," Hunk muttered. "That necklace..."

"Woah, woah, woah," Lance interrupted. "You've seen this before?"

"I had my suspicions, but I was hoping the McClains were wrong about him," Pidge muttered back to Hunk.

"What do you mean wrong about me? Listen, I'm right here, I can hear you," Lance continued interrupting.

"Do the Galra know you're the Oceania?"

"Maybe-- hold up. How do you know?!"

They shared another look. "We knew your parents--"

"What the hell does this have to do with my parents, Pidge?" Lance demanded angrily. If they knew about his power, then they had been keeping secrets from him his whole life. "Stop changing the subject--!"

"Your parents are the subject, Lance!" Pidge snapped back, adjusting their glasses and lowering their voice before continuing.

"We know about you because we fled with your parents from the Galra when they first attacked Voltron--"

Lance snorted. "So what? You're mer too?"

They both nodded, their smiles gone. Lance's slowly disappeared as well. "So if you're mer, and my parents were, what happened to them? Why am I still human when I go into the water--?"

"The Oceania power kept you human. When we were fleeing, a Galra squadron cut us off, knowing something was different about one of the five of us. Your mother gave you to us, and they sacrificed themselves and allowed us to slip away. To keep you from the Galra, we brought you here, and here we are now."

Lance was sure there was smoke seeping from his ears from his overloaded brain. "If you guys fled when I was a baby, how are you--?"

"Young? We don't age on land like humans, so if we were to go into the water, we would still be like this, but we would have our tails back and would age after that."

"I--I don't remember any of that," Lance muttered rubbing his head. "S--So my parents... they died because of me..."

Pidge and Hunk didn't say anything. "Sorry to throw all this on you," Hunk apologized, laying a large but gentle hand on Lance's skinny shoulder.

"We were going to wait, but with how much you were at the water, you were bound to find out sooner or later. Do you want to lay down, or...?"

"No, I'll be fine. Right now, I came back not only to tell you about Voltron, but to ask for your help."

"We're not fighters," Hunk countered.

"No, not all fighting is done physically. Hunk, I'd really appreciate it if you took care of the shack while I'm working on this," Lance requested.

"Consider it done."

"And Pidge, you're one of the smartest people I know. Can you research any allies or neighboring tribes that would help us fight Zarkon? Any Galra weaknesses or weapon ideas would be good too."

"Yeah, I'll work on that, and I made something that'll help us stay in touch while you're out there," Pidge said before rustling through his backpack and pulling out watches.

Hunk and Lance both took one, but Lance looked at the device skeptically. "Thanks Pidge, but I don't think that this will last underwater--"

"It is completely waterproof, and will allow the three of us to stay in touch. Yours has a couple more helpful additions, and a few surprises that'll help you control your powers too, Lance."

"Thanks," Lance said with a stifled yawn. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to head back out at sunrise, so..."

"Night," the two mer-humans nodded, before heading to their own home.

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