Trouble at Sea (Chapter 2)

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I'm back! Thanks for reading, and I'd love to hear any comments/ideas as the story develops! Okay, hope you enjoy!


The salty spray nearly caked the tan teen's exposed face, arms, legs, and chest. The seawater had dampened his caramel hair before he had even stepped into the water.

Thankfully, he'd planned on going surfing earlier this morning, or else he would've surfed in his skinny jeans and dark green jacket.

He didn't want to go back and change and risk crossing Pidge and Hunk again.

The ocean matched his mood perfectly: choppy, and rough, as if the water itself was as mad as Lance was. He straddled his board once he'd paddled out to deeper waters where he knew no one would bother him.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself as the waves slowly eased in unison. Except it didn't work.

His breath grew quick and ragged, and and he clutched his head as he looked up to the sky and screamed.

He looked ahead mid-scream and froze when he spotted the almost-tsunami sized wave rushing at him.

Lance's instincts kicked in as he whirled his board in the opposite direction. His erratic and panicky splashing didn't give him enough momentum to safely ride the wave.

He stood anyway, feeling the board's instability.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! He mentally screamed, his mind in overdrive, adrenaline pumping as the wave sucked his board up higher and higher.

The board was suddenly yanked out from under his feet, and the teen plummeted into the water he so deeply cherished.

The current was so strong, it immediately sucked him under. Bubbles blinded him. His desperate thrashing and writhing did nothing as the current forced him deeper and deeper.

His lungs started to burn. He needed air. The water slammed his back against the seafloor, and he gasped as the little air was forced from his lungs and into the water.

Lance winced as his lungs started filling with water. His vision blurred, and his body grew numb as his eyelids grew heavier.

Wouldn't it have been easier to just succumb to the ocean's lullaby? Then he could be with the sea he loved forever--

Something brushed his arm, jerking him back to reality. An orange blur dove past, leaving bubbles in his face.

He gasped more, before something slimy wrapped around his midsection and started tugging him backward. His mind couldn't stay awake anymore, and his vision went dark.

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