Start A Revolution (Chapter 25)

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Hey guys, I'm here with another short one, but anyways, here you go! I promise the awesome ending will be in the next chapter or two and the next ones should be longer. Thanks for reading, please comment, and hope you enjoy!


Lance woke back in his cell, wanting to kill Lotor even more, but he had to set the anger aside. He had to find the others, and he had to restore hope to the civilians of the ocean.

With his wrists cuffed, he closed his eyes while on his knees in the middle of the cell. The water was all around him, inside him, even in his soul, he could feel it. What if he could use it beyond attacking?

Visions of the hall outside his cell filled his vision, blurring slightly as he focused on finding Keith. Thankfully, the mer was alright, pacing and yelling furiously, tears streaming, but alive. "LANCE!" Keith screamed, over and over.

"Keith, I'm okay. We're escaping, soon," Lance whispered, and he watched Keith freeze like Keith had heard him. Reluctantly, Lance shifted his focus to Shiro, struggling to keep the vision in focus.

He saw him, the soldier, the one Lance knew was closest to Keith's heart.

Then he shifted to Allura and Coran, who held each other in a cell not too far from Lance's. He could free them, but first, he had to inspire everyone, including himself. If they wanted their freedom, they were going to fight for it.

And they were going to win.

He felt the water press in on him, and soon, he saw every cell, every prisoner in the complex. It gave him a huge headache, but he pushed through.

"Listen up," he spoke, startling the majority of the prisoners. The ones that recognized him were nearly crying with joy, including Keith. "Many of you don't know me, but if it wasn't obvious, I am Lance McClain, the human Oceania. I'm a prisoner here too--" This brought many fearful gazes across the prisoners. "One thing I can say with certainty, is that this won't last. I will be free once more, as will we all, but I need all of your help. One person cannot and will not be a savior. You can be your own savior. We outnumber the Galra ten to one, yet we're the prisoners, held back by our own fear. This is the time, to fear no more. No mer has the right to tell you if you're free or not; you have to do that on your own. Now, who's with me?!"

Many screamed and cheered, raising fists and tentacles high in the water. Lance raised his arm and swiped his hand in front of him, using the water to rip open every cell door. "Now: FIGHT!"

Lance leapt out of his own cell, slamming his leg into one guard's jaw, the other being slammed into the wall by a wall of water. A gentle hand rested on his shoulder as his cuffs fell away, and Lance whirled around and scooped Coran and Allura into huge hugs.

"Are you INSANE?!" Allura scolded. "Arresting yourself just to free us--"

"I didn't just get myself captured," Lance replied sheepishly. "Keith's here too--"


"Lance," Coran interrupted, wiping a tear away. "I've never heard of an Oceania that could do that. Thank you, that was so inspirational!"

"Good, now it's time for part two of my plan. I'll need your help first," Lance smirked.

"Anything," the two Voltron mer replied certainly.

"Good, let's help these prisoners free themselves," Lance grinned as they took off towards Shiro and Keith, following the rest of the prisoners and unlocking some cuffs amidst the chaos.

The prisoners looked at Lance. "LET'S GO!!!"

Cheers and battle cries erupted as the prisoners rushed to take down the Galra. The water slammed sentries and guards aside as Allura and the other prisoners helped unlocking others' cuffs and assisting the elderly or injured out of their cells. 

This was it, the end of the Galra.

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