Taking the Bait (Chapter 21)

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I'm back! Sorry about not updating yesterday, it was a very long day! Anyway, here you go, another cliffhanger, but I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to comment, and thanks for reading!


After a few hours, Keith started regaining strength again, after the nausea and withdrawals made him feel as if the weight of all the world's oceans had crushed him.

Soon, he could swim more on his own, but both boys knew he wasn't at full strength.

Should Lance's plan go south so soon, there wouldn't be much Keith could do. They also knew how stubborn he was, and Lance feared, but knew, that no matter how bad he felt, Keith would fight if the moment came. Lance prayed it wouldn't come to Keith making such a sacrifice.

The two boys continued on in silence, and Keith's arm had slowly made its way from Lance's shoulders to his hand. Lance blushed slightly, but didn't tense or pull away, and Keith took it as a good sign.

After an hour or so, the Arusian village was before them. It was different from the Voltron tribe.

Instead of a castle and square homes, a huge conical building acted as the village center, with the civilians' homes semi-spherical around the main temple.

After returning from being prisoners though, Lance had thought that the village would be bright and lively after regaining their freedom and learning of the return of an Oceania.

It was rather the opposite. The village had a darkness over it, and was rather empty. The few villagers that they can see shuffled around almost depressed, as if they were underwater zombies or something.

But there were no Galra around, no foreseeable threat, no bad guy that was supposed to kidnap Lance and Keith. Something was definitely up, and Lance needed the Galra for his plan to work.

Keith's knife was immediately in his hand. "This isn't right," he muttered. "The Arusians are a bright and lively tribe, friendly and welcoming to all..."

"All the more reason to go check it out," Lance argued back as he climbed over the hill they were perched on. "Besides, maybe they know where some Galra are that can 'capture' us."

"Alright, but be on guard," Keith warned. "I don't like the looks of this."

The two carefully proceeded to the gate of the village, still no people. It was a trap. Lance knew it was. They were drawing them further in for an ambush of some kind.

Still, they pushed on into the sad depressing village. Lance spotted an Arusian looking at them through cracked curtains or crevices in slightly open doors. But whenever he smiled or made any motion that he had spotted them, they all retreated out of sight with a few fearful squeaks.

"Hello?" Lance called loudly. Keith jumped, then elbowed him.

The Arisian king stepped forwards with a few of his brave followers.

"Welcome, it is good to see you again, young Oceania," the king greeted. "Please come with us to the main temple, where there is a feast prepared in honor of your arrival."

Lance nodded, and followed the procession with Keith, who still had his knife in hand. Lance locked eyes with Keith; he had heard it too.

How did the Arusians know that they'd be coming?

Nevertheless, the two teens continued on behind the two and a half feet tall Arusians. Now, the Galra looked similar to sharks. Votrons were your classical mer with fish qualities, and Arusians, (or at least according to Lance), took after turtles and more reptile like creatures.

Anyway, they were at the foot of the massive, gleaming white temple, with the only light coming from a massive hole in the ceiling. Then the procession suddenly stopped, and all eyes turned to the two teens.

"What is it?" Lance asked curiously.

"Our customs and culture are built on foundations of peace and diplomacy. You and your friend will have to leave your weapons out of our sacred temple--"

"At times like these?" Keith countered. "No thank you--"

"Pardon him," Lance quickly excused. "The loss of Voltron has made him rather extra cautious."

"As we all are," the king nodded. "But our custom still stands. You and the mer of Voltron must leave your weapons, or leave the village."

Lance looked at Keith expectantly. Keith had to do it if Lance's plan was ever going to work.

"But..." Keith quietly protested. One last pleading look from Lance cut his mild objection short.

Damn Lance and his irresistible pitiful eyes.

Keith sheathed his knife, then unbuckled the scabbard and reluctantly handed it to a waiting Arusian.

The king then looked at Lance.

"I have no weapons."

"Your powers--"

"I cannot part with them, even if I wanted to," Lance answered truthfully. Maybe they don't know about the Haggarium...

"Your device on your arm?"

Lance looked down at his watch, Pidge had said it had helpful gizmos, blah blah blah, but Lance hadn't found any weapon on it.

"Purely communications," Lance replied. The king seemed to accept this and the party moved into the main dimly lit room.

It was obvious Keith's internal alarms were going like crazy, the way his eyes darted and he flinched at the slightest noises. He honestly looked like a wild animal, poised and waiting.

The moment Lance stepped into the room, however, he felt sick to his stomach. His body grew heavy and sluggish, and at moments it was hard for him to stay upright. He was thankful when they all took their seats and the feast table.

Keith didn't eat much, and Lance honestly didn't either, though Lance was hungry since breakfast hours ago. The food looked disgusting, all brown and disfigured.

The Arusians started scarfing it down like a bunch of pigs.

"This is rather nasty," Lance whispered to Keith next to him. Keith started shooting him a disapproving glare before he noticed that Lance was right.

"Actually, this is kinda strange," Keith muttered back. "Arusians usually prepare bright and enormous feasts with enough to feed a thousand--"

"Now," the king stood, staring in Lance's direction, but not directly at him. "About the peace treaty..."

Lance stood, barely able to stand as he buckled over from the sudden headache. Keith started reaching out to him before he whirled around with a snarl.

"Galra," Keith hissed, fishing for his knife before remembering he didn't have it. He balled his fists and moved in front of Lance as the shark-tailed Galran soldiers flooded into the temple and surrounded the two boys.

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