Oceania's True Awakening (Chapter 24)

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Hey guys, so I though about not updating tonight, then I saw all the stories I still want to write, and I don't want that inspiration and motivation to die, so I'm trying to finish this, so sorry for the rather crappy ending to this chapter. Anyway, thanks for reading, please comment, and hope you enjoy!


Lance struggled to not show fear, but did everything to slowly their progress into the throne room. He dragged his feet, shifted his weight back, and all the while continued to thrash in order to twist out of the sentries' grips and escape.

Sadly however, they arrived and Lance was shoved down at Zarkon's feet. Lance kept his gaze glued to the ground, finding sudden interest in some dust that sat at his feet.

"This is the mighty Oceania?" Zarkon muttered. "A child? What a disgrace."

Lance snarled at him, but Haggar set some Haggarium near him on the floor, and Lance's growling was soon replaced with grunts and withheld cries of pain.

"Bring him in," Zarkon ordered.

The doors banged open as a Galra was dragged forward, his cybernetic arm and red eye were unmistakable. Lance barely bit back a gasp and stayed silent, not looking at the commander. He didn't have to.

"The Oceania!" Sendak gasped rather loudly. Zarkon's glare narrowed, and Sendak resumed cowering.

"So this is the creature that you saw manipulating water when the camp was attacked?" Zarkon mused. "It's hard to believe that a child easily defeated you, Sendak."

"N--No, I saw it with my own eye, it was him. The water obeyed his anger--"

"Sire, this boy can't possible be the Oceania. Sendak had to be lying," Haggar explained.


"Sentries, get rid of him," Zarkon ordered.

"NO!" Sendak howled, grabbing at Lance wildly, fear written across his face. "Show them! Show them who you really are, or so help me, I'll kill you!"

For once, Lance was silent. He only stared at the madman blankly. "Show them!" Sendak ordered. "Or I'll kill the Voltron mer."

Lance flinched. "Yes, I'll kill him, but first, I'll torture him to the point he wished he could just die, and all his pain will be your fault, human--"

"NO!" Lance howled. Sendak was thrown back from the swirling wall of water that now surrounded the human-- no, the true Oceania. The human glared at all the Galra, snarling as his eyes glowed blue.

"Listen to me, Galra," the Oceania hissed, the voice far from any noise Lance had made before. The tone was so raw, so powerful. If any humans heard it, they would've claimed they had heard the voice of God himself.

"Do all you want to me, but if you touch Keith again... You. Will. Die!"

Lance then jerked towards the emperor, the one who caused him, his friends, and all of the innocent mer in the sea. Who trapped Pidge and Hunk on land forever. The one who captured Shiro, Allura, Coran, or worse. Who destroyed Voltron and Arus. Who killed his parents.

Lance held his hand towards Zarkon, sending a powerful blast of water rushing at the Galran emperor. Lightning from somewhere met the attack.

Lance whirled around, glaring with pure fury at Haggar, Zarkon's damn High Druid. With another snarl, Lance shot water at her next, which was met with more of her weird magic.

It was then that Lotor realized something as he watched the spectacle breathlessly. THe Oceania didn't fully know or have complete control of his abilities, or else they all would've been dead. He couldn't help but smile, there was a chance they could still win.

Lotor picked up the Haggarium Haggar had placed earlier. It was harmless to Galra, but rumored to be lethal to the Oceania. Let's see just how strong he really is...

With one smack of his shark tail, Lotor sent the Haggarium crystal whizzing straight at Lance, more specifically his heart, the place that fueled the Oceania's real power.

Lance spotted the projectile inches from his skin, and it hurt, but he was far too furious to stop. Instead, he ducked, the water arcing the crystal in a mere second around him, before sending it straight back to the thrower.

Lotor struggled to avoid the sudden counterattack, and it narrowly missed his chest, but caught his gauntlet and held him against a wall. Lance sped towards him, ready to deliver a final blow, the first of many Galra he knew he'd destroy.

He stopped, the water around his fist hovering a hair's width from Lotor's chestmail.

Lance glared up at him.

"Child, you're a weakling, a coward, too immature to honorably finish off your foe," Lotor sneered, staring death right in the blue eyes that had started to fade. "Instead of your cocky remarks and cowardice, why don't you act your age?"

The insult reignited the dying down flame, the eyes glowing blue once more.

"Act my age? What the fuck is that, 'act my age'?!" Lance roared in Lotor's face. "What do I care about how old I am?! The ocean is as old as fuck, and it will still drown your ass in vigor!" The Oceania reeled back for the final blow again, determined not to show mercy to the ungrateful bastard again.

Except, at that point, his powers had absolutely drained him. His vision blurred, the power leaving him, with all of his strength. Lance collapsed at Lotor's feet, proving Lotor's theory true.

"Father, I have an amazing discovery to tell you," Lotor's distorted voice sounded in the darkness that was closing in. Lance's eyes closed, as he succumbed to the exhaustion.

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