Lance's Decision (Chapter 9)

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Once everyone had food, water, and blankets, Lance started going around, talking with the Arusian mer, asking about their lives and the Galra.

"What was your village like?" He'd ask.

"Peaceful, and beautiful, before the Galra destroyed it all."

"Were your people peaceful?"

"Most friendly tribe known amongst the mer. We welcomed and helped anyone who needed it."

"So why did the Galra attack you?"

"They're a ruthless conquering race, and most likely wanted our quintessence crystals."

"Quin-- what?"

"Quintessence crystals are an element with certain spiritual energy that provides power to Galran weapons and other deadly devices."

Lance talked to many of them, each giving the same answers. Peaceful Arusians, horrible Galra. They were a little nervous around him because he was human, but quickly adjusted as they reminisced about their homes.

Eventually, Allura pulled Lance aside, along with Shiro and Keith, who had briefed her about what had happened.

"So...?" She prompted.

"I--I guess we do have to stop the Galra," Lance admitted. "But what about the Arusians? What'll happen to them?"

"If we return them to their old village location, Sendak could just return and attack them again," Shiro considered.

"Sendak?" Lance recalled. "You mean the weird one-eyed guy?"

"Yeah, and we can't keep the Arusians here in the Castle," Keith added.

"It was Sendak's convoy?! Please tell me he didn't see Lance use his abilities," Allura demanded.

Shiro shrugged. "I was too preoccupied to notice." He and Allura glanced at the two teens. They tensed slightly and shared a sideways look.

"When Lance stopped the harpoon, I might've looked at him, and Sendak may or may not have followed my gaze--"

"Quiznak," Allura grumbled.

"What's the big issue? So this Sendak guy saw me, big deal--"

"It is a big deal, because if Zarkon realizes your the Oceania, the most powerful being in the seas..."

"He'll stop at nothing to get you and use you for his own purposes," Keith finished. "And he'll use any method, any tactic, to get what he wants."

"So what?" Lance scoffed, trying to not show himself trembling and how scared he actually was. "I'm not afraid of him--"

"You should be," Shiro muttered. Lance spotted his hand instinctively rub the prosthetic.

"This may sound like a horrible idea," Lance interjected, hurriedly changing the subject. "But I know some people, incredibly smart and able to keep a secret, that might could help us--"

"No way," Shiro interrupted.

"Please don't leave," Allura begged, hanging on Lance's arm. He liked the affection, but a cocky remark was cut short by the fear in her eyes. "You're the only one that can protect us--"

"But I also have a family, and my friends are probably worried sick. One night--"

"How do we know you'll come back?" Keith asked, wondering if he'd have to kidnap the human again.

They all turned to Lance expectantly. Would he return? All it would take is for him to get to the shore, and he would never be concerned with the Voltron mer or the Galra again. He would live his life on Altea, forgetting about Allura, Coran, Shiro...

And Keith: the emo, hot headed, slightly cute punk.

Lance sighed, his eyes lingering on Keith the longest. "Yeah, I'll be back. After what I saw, nobody should be treated the way the Galra treat all mer."

"I'll take you back then," Keith conceded, leading Lance through the palace as Lance said a few goodbyes to the Arusians.

He would help them.

He had to.

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