Keith's Childish Withdrawals (Chapter 20)

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 Hey guys! I'm back with a not so late update! I probably won't update tomorrow, but I'll aim for Sunday. Anyway, thanks for reading, feel free to comment, and I hope you enjoy!


Make no mistake, Keith was ready to be back in the water. During breakfast, the withdrawal feelings had already started to set in. Slight dizziness, a lax feeling of nostalgia, which definitely wasn't in his nature. How Hunk and Pidge dealt with the symptoms for years bewildered Keith.

Lance struggled to drag Keith back into the ocean. Keith kept pushing to go back and finish his eggs, (Lance had no idea how he had already stomached three plates), and though Lance was a little taller, Keith was a fighter, and stronger than Lance.

Lance knew Hunk was an excellent cook, but not that good. Then he remembered what Keith had mentioned before Lance forced him out of the water, how they experienced withdrawals. Lance hadn't expected it so soon, actually, to be honest, it hadn't occurred to him since Keith had mentioned it.

Lance forcefully scooped up the mer and marched across the beach. Keith promptly started squirming and grumpily yelling as if he was a child who had his favorite toy taken away. Early beachgoers looked at the pair in confusion, earning them attention Lance had attempted to avoid.

"Sorry about him," Lance apologized loudly to dispel the curious gazes. "He's my retarded brother. He's not to fond of water and I'm trying to help him overcome his fear--"

"Like hell, stupid human!" Keith shouted back angrily. He honestly didn't know why he was acting so childishly, it just happened, and he couldn't seem to regain his self-control. Him, a brave warrior of the Voltron tribe, acting like a fool in Lance's arms. "Just let me go finish my breakfast--!"

"Sorry, Keith," Lance replied quieter before practically chunking Keith into the water. The moment his skin hit the water, Keith's self-control returned, as well as a nauseating feeling as strong as a tidal wave. Lance sprinted into the waves shortly after, and saw Keith floating lifelessly in the water with his red tail once more.

Lance draped Keith's arm around his shoulder, and the movement made Keith grunt. Great, so he was alive. For a moment, Lance was worried he had killed his boyfr-- friend! His friend, who just so happened to be a cute merman-- ugh, nevermind.

Anyway, Lance brought them deeper into the water and out of view of the beachgoers and tourists. "Keith, sorry about this. If I'd known it would hurt you this bad, I wouldn't have forced you onto land--"

"Don't apologize," he muttered with a rough chuckle. "It was fun hanging out with you... and meeting Hunk and Pidge... and the movie was cool, and the eggs? Well, you know."

Lance couldn't help but smile. Here was Keith, nearly unconscious from risks Lance had forced him to take, and yet he was happy to have done it for Lance. Lance found himself admiring the mer even more.

"Hey, Pidge," he called through his watch. Pidge's face automatically appeared on the screen. "You know what to do?"

"I still think you're crazy, but yeah, I'll start contacting allies," Pidge replied. "And Lance?"


"Be careful. Please?" Pidge asked as Hunk's head poked into view, the waterworks already pouring. Lance grinned.

"No worries. My plan is foolproof. We'll visit the Arusians hoping to make an alliance, knowing the Galra will want to retake them and the quintessence in the area. We draw in the Galra, and bam, we're in--"

"Yeah, as prisoners," Pidge countered. "And remember the Haggarium? What about that?"

"Remember when you said I was a lot stronger than most past Oceanias?" Lance countered with a sneer. "Once we create chaos within, our allies will deliver a final blow as a frontal attack since their defenses will be weakened. This is the only way to find the others and possibly bring down the Empire. You know this."

"I know, but it's really risky--"

"We'll be fine," Lance assured.

Hunk pulled Pidge's watch towards him, making the image blurry from his tears on the lens. "Good luck, Lance! I believe in you--!"

"Get off Hunk!" Pidge grumbled in the background before jerking back into view. "But yeah, be safe."

"Ten-four," Lance replied before the feed went dead. This was it. Lance hoped his plan was actually foolproof, and not just because he had promised Pidge that it was. His plan was dangerously risky.

It put not only himself in danger, but Keith too. And if they failed, then it really was the end of the world. They couldn't fail, and Lance was starting to feel the pressure, or was it the water depth pressure?

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