Abandon Home (Chapter 14)

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(When did these titles get so morbid...?!) Hey guys! Anyway, now that Life of a Galra is completed (you should check it out btw), I have so many ideas and other works in progress, but for now, I'll finish this first before posting new stories. Anyway, hope you enjoy, and feel free to comment ideas/critiques!


The two teens were pinned before they could even breathe a word. Keith struggled and thrashed, trying in every way he knew how to free himself.

The Galra who had him was a lot stronger though, and had easily taken Keith's knife away and now held it at his throat. Lance growled and squirmed more when Keith had the weapon at his neck, but they were both stuck.

"Wait, Keith?!" A familiar voice above him realized.

"critiques," Keith sighed with relief. "I'm glad it's you. Can you and Allura let us up?"

Shiro and Allura promptly did so. "I thought you were Galra," Allura excused.

"We thought you were Galra," Keith chuckled. "We were afraid that they'd broken in and got you two."

"Were holding them out with the northern defenses for now," Shiro explained. "But they took the hippocampi, and defenses are weakening by the minute. The odds of success aren't very favorable--"

"Hey, can we all agree right now to never say that I was pinned down by a girl?" Lance interrupted with a whine.

Gosh, he can be so immature, all the mer thought simultaneously. Allura balled a fist. "You way to get pinned again? Focus, now that you're here Lance, we might can be victorious after all."

"Forgive me, princess, and I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but there's hardly anything left to protect," Shiro argued.

"Shiro's right, the town's been leveled, the citizens and hippocampi have all been taken--"

"What?!" Allura practically screamed. "No, my home, my people--!"

The entire palace shook with a thunderous boom. Coran dashed over to the group. "The defenses are destroyed, Galra are flooding in through the main gate as we speak!"

"Princess," Shiro said, his dark eyes attempting to hide a deep sadness in them, one Allura could always see when others could not. He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"This is our home as much as it is yours, but we can't let the Galra capture you or Lance. You are both symbols of hope across the seas. Without hope, the Galra have already won."

"W--We can fight!" Allura practically begged, her eyes searching the others for support. From their downcast expressions, it was obvious who was right.

"I--I don't think I can defeat an entire army on my own," Lance muttered.

Allura stared him in the eye, her own brimming with tears. "Lance, you have to, you're the Oceania--!"

"I'm just one kid," Lance sighed, looking away from the princess's heartbroken expression.

Banging sounded on the doors. "Open up in there! We have the castle, now surrender!"

"Galra," Keith hissed as he took his dagger from Shiro. Shiro stuck his arm in front of the teen and stopped him.

"Keith, did anyone see you come here with Lance?" Shiro demanded, gaze on the door, or more accurately, the Galra behind it.

The teen shook his head.

"Then take Lance, get as far away from here as possible. Keep him safe--"

"I'm not leaving you, Shiro," Keith snapped with certainty. "This is my home too. You and Allura are my friends too!"

"I understand that," Shiro sighed in frustration over the banging on the doors, and the ominous crack as the doors faltered under the Galra's force. Keith never could take orders very well.

"Lance is Voltron now. Without him, we'll never reclaim our home again--"

"Shiro, please--"

The doors gave way with a thunderous smash. The Galra immediately let loose a barrage of harpoons and nets.

"Go!" Shiro roared, his prosthetic glowing to life as he and Coran lunged to protect Allura. Allura consequently joined the fighting too.

Keith snatched Lance's arm and dove away, tear brimming, but Lance didn't notice. Keith left a stream of bubbles behind them as he sped away from the only home he had ever known.

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