Welcome to Cruel Reality (Chapter 8)

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Okay, so it's like 12:30 in the morning, but I thought 'why not?' and decided to update again. Still working on this as I go, so updates may be a bit random, but I'm trying to quickly write efficient chapters and not keep y'all waiting too long. Anyway, hope you enjoy!


The mer were nice enough to get Lance a seahorse type creature to ride before they set off on their mission. Lance had too hard of a time processing it all to fight from being dragged everywhere.

He didn't exactly know how to ride a giant seahorse either, but the animal seemed to know to follow Keith and Shiro, so Lance left the beast alone. Why was he following the crazy mer again?

Right, the Galra tribe was attacking. But why him? Why was he the supposed "Oceania", the one supposed to save an entire civilization he didn't even know existed hours ago. He couldn't stay either.

He had a home, and friends, and a life on Altea. Well, Lance wasn't so sure about having friends after the way he had treated Hunk and Pidge.

Lance was lost in his thoughts before Shiro and Keith suddenly stopped, diving behind a cluster of rocks on the barren sea floor. His mount quickly followed, almost jerking Lance off its back with the sudden movement.

When they returned, he was going to force Keith to teach him how to ride the creature properly. Lance was sure of this when he thought he spotted the creature rolling its eyes at him with a snort.

He noticed Shiro and Keith's horrified expressions, and slowly followed their gazes. What he saw, he could never unsee.

It was like a giant floating prison. Deadly jellyfish tentacles formed the perimeter. Mako Sharks acted like guard dogs, along with the dozens of shark-tailed Galra, their skin/scale patches having a certain purple tint.

What was most horrible about the sight was the prisoners. Males, females, and children of all ages.

The Mako Sharks kept families separated by age, strangers clinging to each other and floating along lifelessly, any glimmer of hope gone from their bruised, bloodied, and disgruntled bodies.

"T--This is..." Lance murmured breathlessly, unable to describe the atrocity that kept him from looking away.

"We need to get them out," Keith whispered, more to Shiro than Lance.

"Too many sharks and Galra sentries, we'd be spotted coming from a click away in any direction," Shiro countered, eyes darting across the prison, strategically analyzing the situation. We need a distraction..."

The rest of their conversation started fading from Lance's hearing, as the sight sent his brain into overdrive.

How could anyone be this ruthless? Sure, he'd heard of Hitler and countless other dictators throughout history, but he'd never realized the severity of concentration camps or prisons until he saw this.

It was so inhumane, so evil, so... wrong. What made the Galra think that they were better than the other mer tribes? They lived in the same waters, shared similar culture.

Lance didn't even realize that his breath had quickened, or that his knuckles were white from how hard he gripped the rock that they hid behind.

The surface far overhead grew choppy and rough, the currents below becoming stronger, and more unpredictable as the currents shifted every way imaginable.

The Galra and prisoners alike swirled nervously in the sudden changes. The sharks circled faster, and the tentacles were stretched and broken apart for a few seconds before they struggled to hold back together. Keith and Shiro's eyes snapped over at Lance, seeing his obvious discomfort.

Keith grabbed Lance's arm, but Lance showed no acknowledgement that Keith was even there. He just stared furiously at the prison.

Shiro nodded, beaming at Lance. "He is the Oceania, and a genius! This is the perfect distraction," Shiro whispered excitedly. Keith nodded and pulled out his dagger, and Shiro's prosthetic arm began glowing with some sort of purple energy, and the two warriors charged against the dozens of soldiers.

Lance watched as the two slipped through a break in the jellyfish, trapping themselves inside as they charged the Galra, who were armed with swords and harpoons themselves.

They fought fearlessly, and in perfect sync, yet they were still outmatched, even after taking down a few Galra. Reinforcements continuously came, decreasing their chances for success. Soon, they were surrounded, their backs to each other and mer cowering fearfully behind the Galra.

One Galra aimed, harpoon pointed straight at Keith's heart. Shiro and Keith were too distracted fighting to see the sniper before it was too late.

Lance dove forward, knowing there was no way he could make it in time. He screamed, watching in horror as the harpoon whizzed through the water.

Except, the harpoon didn't touch Keith. Inches from the merboy's pale chest, the projectile suddenly stopped, sinking harmlessly to the sand. It was as if the water protected Keith.

The dark eyes met Lance's, and Lance paused, wondering how he did it. The Galra commander followed Keith's gaze, glaring his yellow eye at Lance, his other eye a red cybernetic implant, as he revealed a toothy smile.

The commander started drifting towards Lance, but Shiro quickly intercepted him as Keith took out the off guard sentries. The Galra started to retreat, somehow unaffected by the jellyfish, but Keith and everyone else weren't that lucky.

They were still trapped inside, on their way to Zarkon. Lance dog paddled forward once the Galra were gone, peering at the jellyfish carefully.

"Stay back, Lance," Keith warned. "These jellyfish are so poisonous, their sting will kill you in minutes."

"Can't touch it, got it," Lance noted. "But maybe I won't have to touch it..."

Lance closed his eyes, trying to summon his anger again. He had to get them out, and the only way he could was with his new power.

Eyes still shut, Lance held his hands out, the water swirling around him. He eased his hands down in front of him, separating them as if he was breaking up a pair of arguing toddlers.

He took the gasps and mutters amongst the prisoners as a good sign, pushing his hands apart before finally opening his eyes again.

The waters had done as he hoped, pushing the jellyfish apart and forcing them away. The prisoners followed Keith and Shiro out, who each supported Lance on their shoulder as the led the freed Arusians back to Voltron.

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