Welcome to Voltron (Chapter 6)

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Sorry it's a late update, I'm out of town right now and this is the first chance I've had to update! Updates are going to be slower because I'm going to have to start writhing this story more, but I'll try not to keep anyone waiting for too long! Thanks for being patient, and hope you enjoy!


Nothing like being kidnapped by a merman and dragged against your will to an underwater kingdom. It was huge and still beautiful, but Lance expected it to be more, well, intact.

Broken or demolished defense structures surrounded the civilization. The main castle, which would've been breathtaking in better situations, was riddled with smoking holes.

Smashed building pieces were scattered across the civilian homes. Lance spotted a few mer hauling away soldiers' corpses.

Two mer, with spears and swords swam up, pointing their spears at the two teens.

"A human? Keith, what is the meaning of this?" One demanded, glaring at Lance. Lance stuck his tongue out at them.

"A secret mission from the Princess herself," Keith practically growled. He didn't have time for this.

"We'll see about that," the second snapped back as he jerked Lance away. The first snatched Keith's arm and dragged them further into the castle.

"Uh, K--Keith?" Lance stammered, trying to remain calm and composed. The mer guards paused.

"The human speaks Mermanian?"

"Didn't we already establish this?" Lance asked cockily.

"Shut it, Oc--Lance," Keith hissed darkly, pulling out his dagger.

"Fine, grumpy," Lance huffed as the four continued in awkward silence.

They halted in front of a pair of massive doors, decorated with intricate ingravings of merpeople that showed emotions and the background seas mirrored them.

Like me-- Lance realized. The guard's knock on the doors interrupted his discovery as everyone went silent, waiting for a response from the other side.

"Yes?" A female asked.

"Princess," one guard began after clearing his throat as he swam a stroke forward. "We have brought Keith, who we found with a human heading towards the kingdom."

"Is the human alive?!" She asked quickly.

"O--Of course," the guard quickly answered. The doors quickly swung open, as webbed hands grabbed Lance and Keith and yanked them through the doors.

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