Breakfast Time is Strategy Time! (Chapter 19)

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Hey guys! finally have the next chapter done, so hope you enjoy. Hoping to update tomorrow, but it might not happen, You have been warned. Anyway, please, PLEASE feel free to comment, message me, and CHECK OUT MY FUTURE STORIES LIST in my conversations in my profile. I would love some feedback! Thanks for reading!


A banging on Lance's door startled the two awake. They stared at each other, their faces reddening slightly before Lance remembered a guest at his door.

"Y--yeah?" Lance muttered.

"If you two lovebirds are awake, Hunk and I have some ideas to counterattack the Galra. Hunk made breakfast too, so hurry down," Pidge complained through the door before their echoing footsteps thudded and then receded back down the stairs.

With a yawn, Lance got to his feet and stretched before turning to Keith with an outstretched hand.

"We better go," Lance laughed. "Pidge isn't the most patient, you know?"

Keith took his hand, leaning on Lance like he still had problems walking. But Keith didn't need Lance's help, he just wanted to be by him.

Why he wanted to be with Lance more, Keith didn't know.

They went down the stairs together, fingers intertwined. Pidge gave Lance a sly grin, but Lance's dark glare cut any of their childish remarks about the two short.

Hunk and Keith were oblivious to their glaring contest as Hunk set four plates of bacon and eggs along the bar. It wasn't what Keith was used to. He'd never heard of eggs or bacon before.

Judging from the others' expectant looks, they were waiting on Keith to try it, Hunk the most anxious since he'd cooked it.

Slowly, and with all eyes on him, Keith grabbed the fork, and slowly brought a bite to his mouth. Keith froze the moment the yellow substance touched his tongue.

It was so warm and fluffy, and it didn't completely overwhelm his taste buds to where it nearly made him gag like Keith expected it to. No, it was just salty and savory enough to take Keith's breath away.

The others held their breath anxiously. "What. Is. This?" Keith breathed. "I've never tasted anything this good!"

"They're called scrambled eggs, an essential breakfast food group amongst humans," Lance explained with a snort.

"So--" Keith asked between mouthfuls of eggs. "What did you call-- us down here for,-- Pidge?"

"Well," Pidge started, pulling out their laptop and adjusting their glasses. "After Voltron fell, I typed up a few free neighboring tribes that might help, and the Arusians could too."

"Great, anything else?"

"Well, this won't affect you too much Keith, but Lance, I want to warn you about something the Galra are gathering."

"What is it?" Lance asked skeptically. "Whatever it is, I know I can handle it--"

"Not this," Pidge interrupted his cocky response. "Reports show that the Galra are amassing a substance called Haggarium, better known as quintessence--"

Lance's eyes widened as he remembered his discussion with one of the Arusians they had rescued from the prison camp.

'Quintessence crystals are an element with certain spiritual energy that provides power to Galran weapons.'

"Yeah, an Arusian said the Galra attacked to get those crystals from their village for weapons. So what's your point?"

"My point, is that those crystals don't just power weapons. Legends have said that the crystals' powers aren't just for uses as conduits. The energy of the crystals has been rumored to weaken the Oceania's abilities if one is too close to them--"

"Tch," Lance scoffed. "Yeah right--"

"I'm dead serious. Zarkon's druids are experimenting with it, and they probably know about the possibilities of using it against you--"

"We've fought the Galran weaponry before, and it didn't seem to phase him," Keith countered as he begged Hunk for his second (or was it his third? Lance couldn't tell) plate of eggs.

"Those weapons must not have had traces of quintessence since they weren't expecting an attack from Lance. His powers could be a lot stronger than past Oceanias as well, giving him a little resistance..."

"Resistance," Lance muttered. "Resistance! That's it! I know how we'll beat the Galra, and save Shiro, Allura, Coran, and Voltron!"

"Beat the entire Galra Empire, the one that has nearly conquered all the world's oceans? This is going to be interesting to hear," Pidge mused as they leaned closer to Lance and cockily gave him their full attention. 

Keith couldn't help but glare slightly as Pidge scooted closer to Lance. He wasn't even aware that he had glared at all, his focus still on his eggs as he half listened as the two talked strategy. Strategy was more Shiro's department. Keith, well, if he had a target and his knife, then he was good to go.

Lance cleared his throat for dramatical emphasis before beginning. "We don't just need allies, and we probably wouldn't succeed in a full frontal assault, right?" Pidge nodded. "So, they'll be expecting a frontal attack, and they'd have their defenses strengthened. But we won't fight have to against defenses if we are already inside."

"Inside the Empire? Like undercover? You really do want to die," Hunk argued fearfully. Lance promptly ignored his cautious friend.

"Besides, even if we had soldier disguises, we would stand out," Keith added.

"No, we wouldn't have soldier disguises," Lance clued.

"If you wouldn't have soldier disguises, then that leaves you with..." Pidge muttered. The other three suddenly lit up.

Keith was seriously having doubts about Lance's sanity now, and he apparently wasn't the only one.

"I was right, you want to die," Hunk sighed in exasperation.

"You're either insane or brilliant, but I don't know which," Pidge answered.

"The first," Keith agreed.

"Not fair!" Lance complained. "Obviously my plan is brilliant!" He grabbed Keith's arm and started pulling him out the door and back to the water.

"Come on Keith, let's go get captured by the Galra!"

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