Number 4, Privet Drive.

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"So, when are we going to get Harry?" Aidy asked, sipping her tea. She was sitting cross legged on one of the Weasley's kitchen chairs, playing chess with Ron.

"I don't understand why you're staying with us anyway, Aidy." Ron grumbled. "You're not even sitting with us at the World Cup. Knight to E5." His knight took one of Aidy's pawns.

"Just because I'm in the Minister's Box doesn't mean I don't want to have a good time with you lot. Queen to E5." she replied, setting her cup on the table. Ron crossed his arms.

"Well, still, wouldn't you rather be at home?"

"Oh, Ron, it hurts to know that you don't want me around." Aidy said with mock hurt. "And for your information, no, I would not rather be at home." Aidy scoffed. "Most of the time when I walk into the room, Gemma and Jeremy are going at each other like a pair of rabbits. Quite scarring for me, you must know." She took another sip of tea.

"Sounds like Arthur and I when we were first married." Molly said fondly. "Oh, those were the days..."

"Mum, gross!" Ron groaned. A screech came from the window, and everyone's eyes went to the owl on the other side.

"Oh, is that Errol?"

"No!" Ron said, looking at the sleek, black screech owl.

"Oh, that's for me." Aidy said, snatching the letter out of the owl's claws (after opening the window, of course). She gave the owl (whose name was Aries) a quick owl treat, and the owl hooted contentedly and flew back east toward his Master's house.


"Who's it from?"

"Your boyfriend?" Fred and George said as they walked into the room, and reached for it. As Aidy prepared to dodge, George grabbed it from her hand. He tore it open, and scowled.

"It's from Malfoy, telling you that he'll be walking you up to your seat." He looked up at her in disgust. "You're sitting with the Malfoys?" Aidy scowled with the thought of having sit with Lucius for a possible week long match.

"It's not as if I have a choice, I'm there at the invitation of the Minister; my whole day will be about politics anyway. Plus, Gemma thinks it will be a good thing to help Draco and I resolve our differences." Aidy said, flicking away a piece of hair from her treacle tart. Everyone at the table sniggered, knowing Aidy's past with Malfoy. Of course, Aidy and Draco were much friendlier in private than in public, a fact which both of them were eager to keep quiet. Fred's face twisted up in disgust.

"You knew about this?"

"I did; Malfoy made sure to tell me. He hears more often from the ministry than I do, since Lucius works there." She took another hot sip of tea. "Give me the letter, will you?" Fred handed it to her, using as little skin contact as possible, and she stuck it in the waistband of her jeans. Her eyes widened.

"Bloody hell, I think I forgot my dress for the match. If you'll excuse me for a moment-" She stood up, and rushed up to Ginny's room, where she would be staying with Ginny (of course) And Hermione once she got to the house the next morning. The room was empty, and Aidy pulled out her wand. She looked both ways to make sure she was completely alone, and waved it over the parchment.

"Aparecium." Slowly, droplets of ink appeared on the paper, and it seemed as if an invisible quill was writing in the words:

Dear Adriana,

Thank you for that dinner on my birthday, it was very kind of you. If at all possible, I would love to go again before the school year begins. I will see you at the match tomorrow.

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