The Final Problem.

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"Me." Aidy said shakily, feeling all of the color leave her face. "Me."

"Yes. That day on top of the Astronomy Tower, just after you were disowned, I did not tell you the whole truth. You may as well hear it now." HE surveyed harry majestically over his spectacles. "Harry, if you could leave for just a few moments..." Harry nodded numbly, giving Aidy a pitiful look as he left the office, shutting the door hard behind them. "I told you your parents disliked you because you resemble your Aunt Eileen. This is true, but only part of the reason for their hostility. In the wee hours of November the seventh, ninteen eighty-one, your home at Number One Blueburry Place in Weminster, London, was broken into by the Lestrange family, the family closest to Voledemort in his inner circle. You had snuck out of your crib and were playing on the floor by the fire in the sitting room, and apparently, the first person Bellatrix Lestrange saw. She picked you up and carried you to your parents bedroom. Gemma and Gregory were sleeping over at your grandfather's home in Cheshire, if you were wondering. Once your parents came in, the Lestranges proceeded to torture you in order to gain information from your parents. Your parents knew nothing that the Lestranges wanted to know.

They had just damaged you permanently when Aurors broke into the house, and both you and your parents were nearly killed in the cross fire. Agrippa had to spend a little time in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, but made a full recovery within days." he sighed. "Tea?"

"Yes, please." She said. She needed something. "With a bit of firewhiskey if you've got it."

"You've had firewhiskey?" Dumbledore asked with a (Slightly disapproving) twinkle in his eyes.

"Don't tell Gemma. I have a glass once in a while during the summer months." he chuckled, pouring her a cup of tea and pouring a single drop of the liquor into her cup.

"Dont tell Gemma." He said. "But I think you need a cleared head."

"Thanks." She said, Taking a sip and relishing the head clearing burn that slid down her throat. That was all she had needed. "You can continue."

"Would you like me to?" Aidy was slightly stunned. Did she want him to continue? Did she want him to tell her the source of her worst nightmares? To tell her things that could change her impression of herself?

Yes, She needed to know why she was who she was.

"Yes." Dumbledore gave her an odd look, a look of sadness, anger, and... triumph? And began to speak again.

"It became apparent after that your magic was unstable. Powerfully unstable. You didnt even realize it at the time. every time you would walk into a room powered by muggle electric lights, they would explode. Playing with your sblings had concequesces, like when you turned Gemma's hair purple when you were eight. There were other accidents; injuries with both other children your age and your siblings. Gemma knows this. You didn't. Greg has always resented you for it; you left quite a scar across his buttocks that he really dislikes. Gemma, on the other hand, pitied you.

"They put you in ballet very early to try to teach you control. It worked a little, but not to the extent they wanted you to. This and their fear of someone else using you to get to them led to the early beginnings of their distance. They began pulling away from you, and they blamed you for your issues. Because you were naughty and climbed out of bed to go play with your stuffed witch early one morning. That everything that broke in the house or went missing was because of you doing magic in your sleep. They were afraid of you. And, eventually, fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. And you bore the brunt of that suffering.

"Agrippa showed her resentment more because she was unstable. She has always been unstable in the head." he sighed. "She began to hallucinate. She thought that everything that was going on in the house was Gemma or Greg, and that your powers had been drained by that fateful night. She began to think that you had slowly morphed into a squib, and that you would never amout to anything. And then, there was that fateful day when your Hogwarts letter arrived." He sighed. "I had been watching your progress, and you still needed help. You were kept locked in your room day and night. You werent allowed to see your siblings. Your family acted like you didnt exist because of the shame your instability had caused. I didnt know exactly how you were going to react to being taught how to control it. What no one counted on was this." He withdrew a battered old book from his desk drawer. Aidy recognised it from where it should have been hidden in her trunk. Creating Your Own Potions. She hadnt even touched it since first year, let alone thought about it.

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