Teenaged Dreams.

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Once Aidy had recovered, she  slowly made her way back up to the stands. Malfoy was waiting for her, and he took her hand beneath their robes again. She was quiet with shock, and she touched her lips frequently with the hand that she wasn't gripping; he smirked at that. At least he'd gotten to kiss her before Romanoff did.

Aidy was almost winded, she was in such shock. Draco Malfoy had kissed her. Draco had kissed her. The thought was strangely elating. She shook it off, but she couldn't help but gain a gradual, heartwarming grin every time he looked at her. The sight of that sent Draco's heart racing out of control, and he knew that no matter what, he would no longer be able to keep his distance from her anymore. Not after that kiss.

She barely noticed when Delacour's skirt caught on fire after defeating her dragon. Krum was next, and faced a wickedly feiry red dragon that Draco told her was called a Chinese Fireball. This time, she paid attention, having missed Cedric altogether and having been to befuddled by the lingering feeling of Draco's lips to notice. After Krum had defeated his dragon with only a large gash in his shoulder, the biggest dragon that Aidy had ever seen was carted in.

"Oh, god." Malfoy muttered. "Better send up your prayers, or Potter'll be carted away in a body bag."

"Why?" She breathed, all sorts of fear penetrating her.

"Because that is a Hungarian Horntail, widely regarded as the most dangerous dragon in the world." Aidy almost fainted. Of course, he would get the most dangerous dragon. Of course.

"Oh god, oh god..." She said, beginning to panic and imagine horrible scenes with tiny pieces of Harry littered all over the ground. Draco thought that his fingers were going to break from Aidy's death grip. He had no idea that she was so afraid of losing Potter. A small pit of jealousy formed in his stomach. Her fingers dug into the flesh of his forearm as he took the field. People began to chant Harry's name. He immediately spotted the golden egg in the center, and, like an idiot, started for it. The suspension was terrible as he went up to grab it.

Suddenly, the dragon circled around and nearly hit Harry with its tail. Aidy screamed and hid her face in Draco's robes, trying not to scream. Aidy felt the first wave of heat as the drago breathed fire.

"Oh Merlin. Oh Merlin..."

"Hush." he said, trying to look disgruntled at the fact that Campbell was clutching his robes. No one else noticed, all eyes glued on Harry as he dodged the large row of spikes. Aidy glanced over at her best friend.

"Your wand, Harry! your wand!" she screeched, and Draco swore that something in his hand snapped. He didn't pull away, he just winced.

Potter had finally drawn his wand, and waved it around in just the way Aidy and Hermione had taught him.

"Come on... come on!" she said, her fists contracting into tight balls. Draco was now almost positive that he'd broken a bone, but he didn't really care. All he was thinking about was how he was going to get her to kiss him again.

Potter had only just dodged another spurt of fire, and Aidy was pale and her eyes were narrowed into calculating slits. Suddenly there was a sharp whistle over her head as Harry's Firebolt shot down to the field. With a lot of luck and a running leap, he jumped onto his broom. The dragon, angered at being evaded, leaped into the sky after him, spiked tail ripping through the canvas shielding the spectators. Aidy screamed.

"Harry!" she cried, just as one of the spikes ripped through the canvas above them, almost striking her across the head and leaving a paper thin cut across her forehead. Blood ran down her face.

"Merlin!" Draco cried, ripping a strip of cloth from his sleeve, revealing his swollen hand. He wrapped the strip around her head as she wiped blood away with her palm.

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