Flesh Blood and Bone.

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As Harry and Cedric took the cup, they too were whisked away into swirling color and lights, before they both hit the ground as hard as she had. Aidy looked up faintly, having almost fallen asleep from her exhaustion, still tied to the gravestone in front of the cauldron.

"The cup was a Portkey."

"Wouldn't they have told us that?"

"Huh." Aidy was still bleeding, drops of red falling from the cut in her shoulder, and could barely hear Harry because of the ringing in her ears. She looked saw a sudden mop of dark hair; unruly and thick. She knew that head of hair. It was bloodied and messier than usual, but she knew it. All she could think about was how the hell she was going to get Harry out of this threshold of hell. So, she did the only logical thing.

She screamed as loudly as her ruined voice could against her gag.

This made Harry and Cedric look up, and a series of footsteps rushed towards her. She panicked as soon as she saw the older boy.

"Oh my god!" Cedric said, looking at her with concern at the sight of the blood and bruising. He pulled out his wand to begin healing her. She screamed again, kicking and screaming against her bonds. Harry quickly pulled down the gag.

"Harry, she's been tortured!" Cedric said as he examined her back. She regained her breath, her breathing laboured and hoarse.

"Aidy?" Harry asked carefully and delicately. "Aidy, it's me, you're alright." He gently touched her face. He saw very quickly that she was frightened and panicked.

"Go!" She screamed, barely sounding human. Harry almost didn't believe it was her voice, her scream almost animalistic. "Go! Get out of here!"

"What did they do to you?" Cedric gasped as he saw the curse marks that were scattered all over her. Harry looked at the name on the headstone Aidy was tied to.

Thomas Riddle.

"Cedric, she's right. We have to get back to the cup!"

"Go! Now! Go! GET BACK TO THE CUP! GO!" Harry pulled out his wand to sever Aidy's bonds when a sudden, unexpected pain hit him in the face. His head felt like it was splitting along his scar, and Aidy wasn't helping anything as she screamed at Cedric, whose wand was raised. "FORGET ABOUT ME! GET HARRY OUT OF HERE! GO! IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR FATHER AGAIN-"

"That's quite enough of her filth." A high, cold voice spit out across the field. "Kill the spare!" Cedric looked up from where he'd just cut the rope holding Aidy. She felt her jaws glue together, and she fought to part them with her fingers, actually breaking her left pinkie. She barely felt it.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric asked, holding out his wand defensively. Aidy tried to stand to warn him-

"Avada Kedavra!" Wormtail shouted just as she broke free of the curse, making a short sound of terror. She shoved Harry just as Wormtail blasted her away from him and into the headstone of Thomas Riddle. Harry felt himself hit another head stone, knocking the wind out of him, and cords encircling his body. Aidy struggled to try to stand again, having sprained an ankle in her struggles, but she succeeded and catapulted herself towards her wand... Her fingers closed around it.

"Take care of her." Aidy felt her head hit the stone hard again, this time probably giving her a concussion. She still attempted to draw her wand again, despite seeing stars. She leaned into the grass to get a better angle at Voldemort, when Wormtail kicked her wand away from her, stomping on her leg to prevent her from getting away to grab it. He'd already gagged Harry, and a silencing charm sufficed to keep Aidy's shriek of pain from echoing into the small town just down the hill, as well as a sickening crunch. Her leg was stretched out at a sickening angle, the bones protruding outward against her skin. She wasn't going anywhere; she was bleeding profusely from her left arm, and her right leg looked more like a bony pretzel than a limb. As the silencing cham lifted, Aidy huddled into a ball, rocking back and forth sobbing her apologies to Harry. She'd never been in so much pain. She had been strangled, bruised, broken most of the bones in her body, but this... this was the worst. The cruciatus curse was like eating pudding compared to this. And when she looked down again, she saw why; her bone had actually gone through her muscle and out the skin.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Do it! now!" Voldemort said as Harry began to yell with pain, hands trying to go up to his scar. It was then that he was fully able to see the situation; Aidy, bleeding and broken in the grass, Wormtail shuffling around nervously, and most of all, the blind, slimy thing falling out of the bundle of robes. Aidy actually flinched when she saw it go in; then again, with the pain of her leg and the blood trickling steadily out of her shoulder, she wasn't the best mental state. Harry was still screaming, which was disorienting, but in her head, she was screaming too.

Please! Please, let it drown! Please, dont let it work! Wormtail shuffled to the grave harry was standing on, and broke the tomb open. A slow, white trickle of dust swirled out of the grave, and then hovered over the cauldron.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will resurrect your son!"The potion burned white, so white that Harry had to look away. Wormtail hobbled to the Potions Mistress, and tore a large chunk of hair out of her scalp.

"Hair of the maker, unwillingly taken, you will see the birth of your creation!" Her head went to the blood soaked shoulder, nursing the gouge in her head where her scalp had ripped off with her hair. The potion gave a hiss and turned a sickening emerald green. Wormtail seemed to steel. His eyes went very pale, his lips began to quiver. He produced a silver knife from his robes, and raised it skyward. His right hand, the one missing a finger, was held out in front of him, shaking like it was on a caffine rush.

"F-flesh of the servant, w-willingly sacrificed, you will r-resurrect your master!"

"No!" Harry gasped, shutting his eyes as a sickening swoosh could be heard. There was a splash, and a sob of pain, and Aidy was crying harder than ever. It was that open mouthed, ugly crying, almost like she was dry heaving into it; it was that type of crying that you dont like to admit you do, but you still end up sobbing like that every time you see The Fault in Our Stars. but, honestly, she was too far gone to care.

Wormtail hobbled over to Harry, who was struggling violently, like Aidy had been before she had lost blood and had been tortured into her reclusive state. The potion had turned a violent, hissing red, like the tongue of a king cobra.

Wormtail raised the silver knife in his left hand, and dug it into Harry's right forarm. Blood leaked onto the blade. Aidy picked up her head as Harry's head rolled back, crying out a weak protest. But Wormtail had what he wanted. The silver knife rose above the cauldron as Wormtail tapped it with his forefinger.

"Blood, of the enemy, forcibly taken, the Dark Lord will rise again!" he dropped a single drop of Harry's blood into the cauldron, and both Harry and Aidy screamed in pain as every mark on their bodies (the ones that had been caused by Voldemort directly) started to burn. Harry would have been clutching his scar, but Aidy just bit her lip and curled into a tighter ball. She couldn't scream anymore. It hurt.

"No... No..." She moaned, shaking as the potion hissed. This was old, dark magic. Nothing that ever brought any good.

The potion stopped hissing, and began to steam. It became foggier and foggier, until it completely obscured the cauldron. A high, cold voice that was all too familiar spoke.

"Robe me." Through the mist, Harry could make out a tall, thin figure. So thin, it was like a skeleton. The shaking, moaning Wormtail pulled the robes over his master's head. Aidy and Harry both looked at it with horror as he turned around. It was the face that nightmares were made of. The hairless face and head, the pale white of a skull. Red eyes with slits for pupils, and the long, thin nostrils instead of a nose, like a snake. And that smile... the smile that could only appear when someone was utterly, insanely mad.

Lord Voldemort had risen again.

Sorry so short! I'm doing the graveyard in blurbes! Lol I love you guys! I am so close to 1000 votes! Can you get me to 500 comments? We'll see if I can update Saturday and Sunday. It's Homecoming week!

Xx Allison

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