Beaubatons and Durmstrang.

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Aidy stepped through one of the several fireplaces at Kings Cross, and handed off her trunk to the baggage handler. Gemma hugged her tightly.

"Be careful, Adriana. A storm's coming, and we best be ready for when it hits." Somehow, Aidy knew that she wasn't talking about the rain that was pelting the entire country, and she fingered her wand in the pocket of her robes, which had tiny, twinkling stars sewn into the fabric.

"I'll be careful, Gem, I promise." Gemma placed a kiss to her sisters crown, and then stepped back so that Jeremy could pull his sister-in-law into a hug as well.

"Be good, kid."

"I will." she said, bumping his knuckles with hers.

"Have fun."

"Always." Adriana replied. The whistle on the train blew, causing her head to snap towards the train. She looked back at her family with a bit of sadness.

"I have to go." she muttered, and then turned away.

"Have fun, be safe!" Gemma called as Aidy dashed onto the train. She quickly found her compartment, and Harry, Hermione, and Ron were all sitting inside. How perfectly convenient.

"Morning, ladies." Aidy said, leaning against the threshold of the door.

"Aidy!" Hermione said. "Just in time." She had a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hands, the Dark Mark slithering through a picture on the front page. "This is horrible. Wasn't there any security-"

"Loads." Aidy and Ron said together as she settled into the velvet cushions. Ron continued.

"According to dad. That's what worried them so much, it happened right under their noses." Harry rubbed his forehead. Aidy noticed that he was rubbing right over his lightning bolt scar. Aidy looked up at him, eyes filed with concern.

"It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar?" He looked anywhere but her eyes.

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, Harry. You can lie to anyone else, but not to me." Harry sighed.

"The night before the World Cup, I had this... this dream." He began. Aidy listened intently, and the other two did the same. But as Harry told the tale, color slowly began to drain from her already pale face. She gripped the fabric of her robes.

"Harry..." She trailed off. His eyes flicked back up to her face. "I had the exact same dream last night." It was silent in the compartment.

"Have you contacted Sirius?" Hermione asked, wanting the opinion of a fully grown wizard.

"Yeah, I have. but he hasn't sent Hedwig back yet."

"Well, he's gone south, hasn't he? It isn't a quick trip, even when you've got wings." Ron said. Aidy shifted.

"Something's coming, isn't it?" Harry shrugged, but she knew he agreed with her. The rest of the train ride was rather uneventful, and on the last stretch of the journey, Aidy stood up.

"I have things to do." Hermione grinned.

"Stuff that can't be mentioned outside?"

"Certainly." she replied, and slipped out of the compartment without a goodbye. She had to make sure everything was ready, and she needed to slip into her dance clothes and then slip her real clothes over it. She knew that until the last minute, she would have to socialize and the like; she couldn't just allow her double to speak with Severus the whole night. People would get suspicious. After all, she was the poster child of Hogwarts, and Harry and Aidy both were the poster children of the English ministry of magic. As she swept through the hallways, fubling with the key in her pocket, she found herself being tugged into the room by an unknown person. She opened her mouth to scream, but he covered her mouth.

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