Priori Incantatem

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Voldemort turned away from Harry, beginning to examine his own body. His long, spiderlike fingers fluttered over his chest and face, feeling his own pulse. Aidy tried as hard as she could to drag her body forward, trying to grab her wand. This was very difficult and painful, as her protruding tibia scraped the dirt and put her leg into an even more unnatural angle.

"My wand, Wormtail." he said, and the snivelling lump of a person (I am unable to call him a man) handed him his wand. Several sparks came from the tip as wand and owner rejoiced in reunion. "Hold out your arm." Wormtail looked up at him with relief.

"Oh... Master... Thank you..." he panted as he held up his bleeding stump of an arm.

"The other arm, Wormtail." Voldemort drawled. Aidy was less than two feet away from her wand. so close... So close!

"But Master, you promised!" Wormtail sobbed. Fed up with the blubbering of his companion, the Dark Lord himself yanked Peter's left arm out of his robes, looking at a red scar on Wormtail's forearm.

"It is back." he said gently, looking closely at the dark mark. "They will all have noticed it. And now, we shall see... We shall know..." He trailed off as he pressed his finger to the mark. Another deep pain settled into Harry's scar; if anything happened to Aidy, she didnt feel it. She was in enough pain as she groaned in the grass. When she looked back at Wormtail, who was sobbing again with a fresh wave of agony, the mark on his arm now a deep, pitch balck. With cruel satisfaction on his face, he threw back his head and looked at the stars.

"How many will be brave enough to return?" He whispered. Aidy's wand was two inches from her hand. "And who will be foolish enough to flee?" Aidy's wand had just brushed her fingertips-

"Crucio!" Aidy writhed and screamed as Voldemort struck. He had whirled around to look at her, having caught her just before her wand touched her fingers. Harry cried out for her, feeling very sick as he looked at her lopsided leg. "Stupid girl!" eventually, Aidy stopped screaming; her lungs were out of air. She couldn't draw a breath.

"Stop it! Leave her alone!" Harry shouted as his scar prickled, like a white hot needle was sinking into his scar over and over and over...

"Oh, Harry." Voldemort said, lifting the curse. Aidy caught her breath where she lay in front of Harry, tears streaming out of her eyes. "I had almost forgotten you were here. Forgive me. You stand on the remains of my late father, a muggle... and a fool. very like your dear mother." he crossed his arms behind his back, beginning to pace. "He abandoned my mother and I before I was ever born... Abandoned us after he found out my mother was a witch. He didn't like magic, my father. But, I suppose everything comes around eventually. I killed my father, and now you see how useful he is, in death..." he laughed, high and cold. "Adriana knows too, doesn't she? How to be useful?" his bare foot stepped out to touch her, and she flinched away. He laughed again. "Oh, she trains quickly."

"She isn't a dog." Harry replied angrily, voice shaking.

"Oh, no, do not think that I am . She's much, much more." he said, stooping down to touch one of her luscious curls. "She's everything that I could ever need to achieve my goals." She lifted her head and spat at his feet. Within seconds, she was screaming again.

Aidy, you brave idiot! Harry shouted at her in his head, forced to watch his best friend in pain. Voldemort had had his fill, and took a step back as he released her. The huge snake, Nagini, circled around Adriana, hissing slightly and licking its forked tongue over her torn skin. She felt herself being moved onto a grave several feet away, right next to Harry, into a small valley. The casket underneath and decayed, leaving a deep indent in the earth where the grave lay. And it was merely to keep her from crawling out again.

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