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*Not-So-Quick Quick note* I am thinking about posting my original work, Avin (book one of the Elemental saga) on wattpad with the specific target of gaining an audience for when i release it on Amazon next year, finding glitches in my plot, and making sure i do not have any typos, spelling errors, or grammer errors. If you are interested in reading something of mine that is NOT fanfiction or part of the Harry Potterverse (which i suppose would still be fanfiction, com to think of it) Please tell me in the comments section. It is an Action/Adventure book with a serious fantasy and religious twist that those of us who love fire will absolutely adore!!! Once it is posted, i will need YOUR help to help me gain my audience and (maybe) get me into the Wattys! Also, i will be submitting the FIRST PM book into the 2014 watty awards. So, die-hard fans, please help me out and VOTE then it comes time! Let's show the world that the Harry Potter fandom is still king! Allison out.

Adriana Marlene Campbell groaned into the grass before slowly getting up to look at her surroundings. Large, rounded stones jutted up around her. It was either a graveyard or Stonehenge had been knocked down and chopped into small pieces.

The rose was a portkey. she thought. Moody knew. He had to know. He was an auror- It hit her. Moody. He was the one. The snitch for Voldemort's side. The Devil in the details.the fake wand in Ollivander's.

Aidy looked around her, and saw the most ominous sight she had ever seen. A large, black cauldron, large enough for a fully grown man to sit in, looking almost like it was... waiting for her. No. No. No.

"We've been waiting for you..." a high, cold voice said with a chuckle. She knew that voice. The voice that had haunted all of her nightmares for the past year. The voice that killed Harry's parents. "Wormtail, where are your manners? Give our beautiful guest a proper greeting!" Aidy squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that someone had broken into Hooch's office and released a bludger that had smacked her hard in the head. Or maybe that she'd fainted while kissing Draco. Maybe even that she'd started drowning in the lake while trying to make friends with the squid. Anything that meant she wasn't really here.

But that wasn't the case.

There was a flash of red light, and Aidy dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, curling up into a ball and screaming like she'd never screamed in her life. Her skin was on fire; white hot nails were being hammered into her bones; her nails were gripping her upper arms so tightly that they were removing ribbons of flesh as she she screamed. She gave a final cry of anguish just as the pain let up, and she tried to quiet her sobs and ebb her tears. She didn't want Voldemort or Peter to see her cry.

"Yes, very good, Wormtail. Very good. Yes, get her a, ah, a chair." Aidy was curled up in a ball, trying desperately to regain control of her twitching muscles. But Voldemort was having none of this. Wormtail pointed a wand at a gravestone, and Aidy was suddenly pressed firmly against it by a series of ropes. Her wand was in her pocket; there was no way to get to it. So, instead, she squeezed her eyes shut and forced a bitter smile.

"Voldemort. I should have guessed. All the signs pointed to it. I was too blind to see it coming."

"It wouldn't have helped you any if you had." Voldemort whispered back. Aidy couldn't see the source of his voice; she could only see Pettigrew, shivering at something but nevertheless, holding a wand and a bundle of robes.

"Hello, Voldemort." She replied shakily but as pleasantly as she could.

"Adriana Campbell. An honour and a pleasure. Wormtail, let me see my guest." He did so, and Aidy could suddenly see why Peter was shaking. He had pulled away some of the robes to expose a face; a face that didn't seem remotely human. It's skin was scaley, a mottled, reddish black, eyes a gleaming scarlet, with black slits for pupils and snake-like nostrils. He was very thin, like he had been described previously, but he was not able bodied in his infant form. She tried not to draw back in revulsion.

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