The Madness of Mr. Crouch.

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"Hagrid, remind us why we're helping you hunt for Unicorns again?" Ron asked as Aidy, Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, and himself trudged through the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Aidy was glad for the distraction; she had discovered a huge amount of ingredients missing from her stores.

"Never mind it, Ron," Hagrid chuckled. "Now, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of mistfits I ever set eyes on. Reminded me of meself, a little. And here we all are, four years la'er!"

"We're still a bunch of misfits!" Aidy laughed, glowing slightly around the edges like she had that morning.

"Well, maybe that. Weve all go' each other!" He said gleefully. "And Harry, o' course. Soon to be the youngest triwizard champion there's ever been! Hooray!" Hagrid cheered. Aidy beamed, twirling around. Her gown picked up off of the forest floor and turned around with her. Hermione and Harry chuckled.

"You may be the best potioneer of the last century, but you're difinitely still a child!" Hermione scolded. Aidy paid her no heed.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please!" Aidy sang, the others joining in, "Whether we be old and bald or young with scabby knees!" until there was a sudden burst of sound. A man's scream.

In an instant, all four young wizards and witches had drawn their wands, and Aidy had stopped glowing. They formed a v formation, Hagrid at the front, flanked by Ron and Aidy on his left side and Harry and Hermione on his left. Suddenly, something large and hard rammed into Aidy like a sledge hammer, and she shrieking in surpise. What had run into her balled up her robes in his fists.

"Dumbledore?" he said, in an almost insane tone. Aidy recognized the narrow toothbrush mustash immediatly, even though his hair was mussed, his eye were bloodshot, and he seemed to be breathing very heavily.

"No, Mr. Crouch, Dumbledore is-" he ran away, muttering and mumbling under his breath.

"What was that?" Harry asked. Aidy looked slightly shaken up, but she shook it off.

"We have to go after him. I'm not sure he's entirely sane at the moment."

"Yer right, Aidy." Hagrid said as he comforted her with a gentle hand on the shoulder. "You go and fetch Professor Snape. Harry, you go ge' Professor Dumbledore. Ron, Hermione, go to Moody. I'll see if I can find 'im. Go, now!" Aidy took off as fast as she could. Harry was right behind her, but soon fell behind as Aidy put on a burst of speed, almost like she knew she had to get up to the castle first. She was a couple hundred yards ahead when she broke off from the group to head to the Viaduct and Viaduct courtyard, a faster way to get to the dungeons. As she ran into a small clearing near the Viaduct, she was tackled by Crouch once again. He grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her slightly.

"Dumbledore. Dumbledore, I need Dumbledore!" his face was the red colow that one usually is when slapped..

"Calm down!" Aidy said. "I'll bring you to him, I'll bring you to Dumbledore!"

"Albus." his eyes seemed to glaze over, and he fell into the melting snow beside her. "Albus, it was my fault! it's my fault she's dead!"

"Dead? Who's dead?" She asked with concern and fear.

"Her, the girl! Bertha! I hurt her!"

"Bertha?" Aidy asked with shock.

"He, he killed her." Crouch said with fear. "My, my son, my boy... he's, he's here..." he leaned heavily on her suddenly, sagging against her frame.

"Mr. Crouch, Mr. Crouch!" Aidy cried in alarm, supporting the elderly man physically as she tried to get him up and off the ground. "Mr. Crouch!" He nearly collapsed, taking her with him to the ground as he began to sob hysterically. She was quite winded and confused (rightfully so) and tried to console the man as he told his life story in a series of incoherent blubbers. She attempted several times to get him to his feet, but he refused to stand.

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