Severus Snape and the Sex Talk.

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*This is a filler. There is fluff. Please read the AN at the end!!!*

Aidy woke up in a daze, before she remembered why she'd woken up at all.

The dreams.

Her nightmares were getting worse and more frequent. Her heart was still beating fast, her brow coated in sweat. She breathed deeply to slow her heart rate down, her eyes still blinded by a flash of green light. She laid back into her silk sheets, before glancing at the clock.

That day, Tuesday, January the twenty-fourth, 1995, was her fifteenth birthday.

Aidy glanced over at her nightstand again, and was surprised to find a crisp, white piece of parchment, which was folded in half over a single white rose. She could guess who it was from. She slipped it into the vase with the others, all of them sitting in a potion that would keep them fresh and blooming for years to come. She unfolded the card, which had a simple message:

Happy Birthday, Angel.

She smiled, slipping the card under her pillow with the several others she had received from Draco in the several months previous.


Adriana turned on her heel and opened the window. Her barn owl, Naina, fluttered in and shook the freshly falling snow from her feathers. Aidy took the mail from her, thanking her and giving her an owl treat. She sorted through the assorted letters, many of them birthday cards from her ministry acquaintances, one from Gemma and Jeremy, and a package that was as long as her forearm. She sighed before she undid the strings holding the brown paper and pulled it away from the box. This box contained an ornate silver jewel-box, with rubies dotting all over the scroll work (which was much more Art Nouveau over Art Deco). She inspected it closer, and found that it was goblin made. An egg sized onyx in the centre of the box finished the look. She opened it carefully, and found that the inside was covered in rich, black velvet with a black silk cushion in the lid. There was a heavy white envelope inside, but Aidy could guess who it was. Fudge had taken to giving her expensive gifts. Well, that and she had finally found the right formula for the Dragon Pox Potion and the Ministry was ecstatic. Fudge was apparently planning to give her the Order of Merlin, First class, on the last day of school. If there was anything she didn't want, it was another Order of Merlin.

Aidy crouched down to retrieve her stash of letters from Draco from under her bed. She set them all into the box, and locked it with the attached key. She figured that it was supposed to be for the crown. Her tiara had another home, locked in her china cabinet at Gemma's flat, along with many of the expensive items that the Campbell family owned. She stood, and opened her closet. Gemma had measured her for a new set of robes the previous day, and Aidy was not surprised to find them in the wardrobe already. They were a deep cobalt blue, and the sleeves cascaded to the floor from her elbows. She left her long hair down, opting not to shower and letting her curls hang down. She really needed a haircut, and decided to get one the next time she was in hogsmeade. Gemma and Draco (especially Gemma) wouldn't be happy, but she could face that when the time came. She slipped her bag over her head, allowing the strap to rest on the opposite shoulder, and headed very quickly down the stairs. Harry met her at the common room.

"Happy birthday!" he said, slinging his arm around her. She smiled.

"Thanks Harry. Let's eat."

"You sound like Ron."

"I hope they've got pancakes. It's either pancakes or at least a bit of treacle tart." she said, dodging the statement, still not quite over some of the things Ron had said to her in the past several weeks. Harry and Aidy hurried down to the great hall, and she noticed Draco bristle with the sight of Harry's hand on her shoulder. She locked eyes with him, shook her head once, and then broke the stare and sat down. Hermione was already there, and she placed a stack of pancakes on the table. The pancakes had been impaled by fifteen candles, which Hermione was currently lighting with the tip of her wand. Fred and George sat on either side of her, and she eyed them with suspicion.

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